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Meaning of the Name Neha

The first name Neha is of Hindu, Indian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Love, Rain
Indian: love, rain

Similar Names

Naham | Nahma | Neah | Nehum | Nemo | Nen | Neon | Nia | Noha | Nuh |

Related Names

Cenehard  (English)
Bold Guardian
Nehal  (Hindu)
Nehama  (Hebrew)
Phinehas  (Biblical)
Bold Aspect, Face of Trust or Protection
Phinehas  (Hebrew)
Variant of Phineas: Oracle. One of the Two Sons of the Priest Eli in the Old Testament
Snehal  (Indian)

Additional Names

Abhivadak | Fredek | Gwyneth | Kenneth | Kahli | Hamoth | Seghen | Treacy | Haidar | Nyura | Barke | Annemie | Darrin | Brinley | Khaleeqa |