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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 113 of 422) 

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Culhwch  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Nephew
Cullan  (Irish)
Good-looking Lad. Also a Variant of Cullent: Holly
Cullen  (Celtic)
A Pet Name for a Cub, Young Animal
Cullent  (Irish)
Culley  (English)
Diminutive of Culver: Dove
Cullin  (Irish)
Good-looking Lad. Also a Variant of Cullent: Holly
Cullo  (Irish)
Hound of Ulster
Culloden  (Scottish)
From the Nook of the Marsh
Cully  (Irish)
Diminutive of Cullent: Holly
Culvanawd  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwiyon
Culver  (English)
Cumhaige  (Scottish)
Dog/Hound of the Plain
Cumhea  (Irish)
Hound of the Plains
Cumin  (Scottish)
From Comines
Cumming  (Scottish)
From Comines
Cunningham  (Scottish)
From Cunningham
Cupere  (English)
Barrel Maker
Cupid  (Shakespearean)
'The Life of Timon of Athens'
Curadhan  (Gaelic)
Curan  (Shakespearean)
'Tragedy of King Lear' a Courtier
Curcio  (French)
Curio  (Shakespearean)
'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Gentleman Attending on the Duke
Curney  (Gaelic)
Curr  (Gaelic)
Curran  (Irish)
Currie  (Gaelic)
Currito  (Spanish)
Curro  (Spanish)
Frenchman; Free
Curry  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Marsh or an Herb
Curt  (English)
A Diminutive of Curtis, Meaning Courteous, or an Alternative Spelling of Kurt or Cort
Curtice  (French)
Curtis  (Latin)
Curtiss  (English)
Courteous. See Also Curt
Cus  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a King
Cush  (Biblical)
Ethiopians, Blackness
Cushan  (Biblical)
Ethiopians, Blackness
Cushi  (Biblical)
Ethiopians, Blackness
Custenhin  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Erbin
Custennin  (Celtic)
Mythical Giant
Cuth  (Biblical)
Cuthah  (Biblical)
Cuthbeorht  (English)
Noted Splendor
Cuthbert  (Scottish)
Bright, Famous; Compound Name Derived from the Old English Elements Cuo, Cuth (Known) and Beraht (Bright, Famous). The Name Was Borne by a 7th Century Saint from Lindisfarne. Pet Name: Cuddy
Cutler  (English)
Knife Maker
Cutter  (English)
Gem Cutter
CuUladh  (Irish)
Hound of Ulster
Cuyler  (Irish)
Cwentun  (English)
From the Queen's Estate
Cwrig  (Welsh)
Cy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Cyril: Lord, Lordly. Famous Bearer, the Missionary Saint Cyril, Devised the Cyrillic Alphabet Used in Slavonic Languages
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 113 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Decimus | Julia | Iola | Krystal | Geol | Kermode | Sarvadarshi | Cort | Monica | Sumana | Monty | Lotty | Ulmer | Hrycg | Evelina |