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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 160 of 422) 

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Fauiki  (Polynesian)
Little Trees
Faulconbridge  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Robert Shallow, a Country Justice. 'King John' Robert Faulconbridge, and His Father, Sir Robert Faulconbridge
Faulkner  (English)
Variant of Falkner: Falconer; One Who Trains Falcons
Faunus  (Latin)
God of Forests
Faust  (Italian)
Faustino  (Latin)
Variant of Faust: Good Luck
Fausto  (Italian)
Faustus  (Greek)
Fautave  (Polynesian)
Big/Tall Trees
Favian  (Latin)
Brave Man
Favio  (English)
Derived from the Roman Clan Name Fabius; a Name Given Several Roman Emperors and Saints
Favonius  (Latin)
West Wind
Fawaz  (Muslim)
Fawz  (Arabic)
Fawzi  (Islamic)
Victory, Achievement
Faxon  (German)
Fay  (Irish)
Fayadh  (Muslim)
Variant of Fayyadh: Generous. Liberal
Fayiz  (Islamic)
Victor, Winner
Fayne  (English)
Faysal  (Islamic)
A Judge, a Separator of Right and Wrong
Fayyaadh  (Muslim)
Variant of Fayyadh: Generous. Liberal
Fayyadh  (Muslim)
Generous. Liberal
Fazil  (Islamic)
Feagh  (Irish)
Feandan  (Scottish)
From the Narrow Glen
Fearadhach  (Irish)
Manly; Masculine
Fearbhirigh  (Gaelic)
Wealthy or Stubborn
Fearchar  (Gaelic)
Dear Man; a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Ements Fear (Man) and Char (Dear). Anglicization: Farquhar. (Fahr-kahr)
Fearcher  (Gaelic)
Very Dear
Feardorcha  (Irish)
Variant of Fardoragh: Dark-skinned Man
Fearghall  (Irish)
Courageous Man
Fearghas  (Scottish)
Compound Name Composed from the Gaelic Fear (Man) and Ghas, Gus (Valor, Strength). Anglicization: Fergus. (Fer-gus)
Fearghus  (Celtic)
Feargus  (Gaelic)
Rock. Also a Variant of 'Fearghas', Derived from the Celtic for 'Man' and 'Choice'
Fearnhamm  (English)
From the Fern Field
Fearnhealh  (English)
From the Fern Slope
Fearnleah  (English)
From the Fern Meadow
Featherstone  (English)
English Place Name
Fechin  (Irish)
Variant of Fehin: Little Raven
Fedele  (Latin)
Federico  (Italian)
Italian Form of Frederick 'Peaceful Ruler'
Fedor  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Fedya  (Teutonic)
Divine Gift
Fedyenka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Theodore 'Gift from God'
Feeble  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Francis Feeble, a Country Soldier
Fehin  (Irish)
Little Raven
Feich  (Irish)
Feichin  (Irish)
Variant of Fehin: Little Raven
Feidhlim  (Irish)
Good Forever
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 160 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Cara | Ara | Halifrid | Janalynn | Mira | Layne | Alva | Erickson | Cesario | Washington | Rowland | Kaitleen | Julia | Cayley | Louise |