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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 228 of 422) 

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Josep  (Polish)
Polish Form of Joseph 'God Shall Add'
Joseph  (Hebrew)
God Multiplies, Honest, Successful, Simple (Joe, Joey, Josef)
Josephus  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Joses  (Biblical)
Raised; Who Pardons
Josh  (Hebrew)
Abbreviation of Joshua 'Jehovah is Salvation.'
Josha  (Indian)
Joshah  (Biblical)
Being; Forgetting; Owing
Joshaviah  (Biblical)
The Seat, Alteration, or Captivity of the Lord
Joshbekesha  (Biblical)
It is Requiring or Beseeching
Joshua  (Biblical)
A Savior; a Deliverer
Joshwa  (Hebrew)
God Saves
Josiah  (Hebrew)
God Has Healed
Josias  (Spanish)
Form of Josiah 'Jehovah Has Healed.'
Josibiah  (Biblical)
The Seat; or Captivity of the Lord
Josilyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Josip  (Croatia)
Richness and Caring
Josiphiah  (Biblical)
Increase of the Lord, the Lord's Finishing
Joska  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joseph 'God is Gracious'
Joss  (Hebrew)
Abbreviation of Joshua 'Jehovah is Salvation.'
JosT  (Spanish)
The Spanish Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family)
Josu  (Basque)
God Saves
Josue  (Spanish)
Form of Joshua
Jotham  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Perfect. May Jehovah Complete. in the Old Testament, Gideon's Youngest Son, Who Escaped the Massacre of His Seventy Brothers. Also a King of Judah During a Time of Military Strife
Jothath  (Biblical)
His Goodness
Jothatha  (Biblical)
His Goodness
Jourdaine  (English)
Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'Down Flowing.'
Jourdan  (French)
Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'Down Flowing.'
Jourdon  (English)
Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'Down Flowing.'
Jov  (Russian)
Form of Job 'Persecuted'
Jovan  (Latin)
Father of the Sky. Form of Jove from Jupiter. Jupiter Was Roman Mythological Supreme Deity Corresponding to the Greek Zeus
Jovani  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovann  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovanni  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovanny  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovany  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jove  (Latin)
Another Name for Jupiter
Jovi  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovin  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovito  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovon  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Joy  (French)
Joyanna  (French)
Joyceanne  (Latin)
Cheerful; Merry
Jozabad  (Biblical)
Having a Dowry
Jozachar  (Biblical)
Remembering, of the Male Sex
Joziah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Healed. Biblical Josiah Became King of Judah at Eight After His Father Was Assassinated. He Ruled Years
Jozka  (Czechoslovakian)
God Will Multipiy
Jozsef  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joseph 'God is Gracious'
Jozsi  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joseph 'God is Gracious'
Juan  (Spanish)
From the Name John
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 228 of 422) 

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