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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 286 of 422) 

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Morgannwg  (Welsh)
From Glamorgan
Morgen  (Welsh)
Of the Sea. Surname
Morholt  (Arthurian Legend)
Prince Killed by Tristan
Moriah  (Biblical)
Bitterness of the Lord
Moriarty  (Irish)
Expert Seaman
Moricz  (Hungarian)
Morie  (Latin)
Dark Skinned
Morio  (Japanese)
Forest Boy
Moritz  (Latin)
Dark Skinned
Moriz  (Russian)
Dark Skinned
Morland  (English)
Marsh; Wet Land
Morlee  (English)
From the Meadow on the Moor
Morly  (English)
From the Meadow on the Moor
Morocco  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' the Prince of Morocco, Suitor to Portia
Morogh  (Scottish)
Man of the Sea
Morold  (Arthurian Legend)
Prince Killed by Tristan
Morpheus  (Greek)
Bringer of Dreams
Morrell  (Latin)
Morrey  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Morrie  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Morris  (Latin)
Dark Skinned
Morrisey  (English)
Son of More
Morrison  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Morrissey  (Irish)
Choice of the Sea
Morse  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Mort  (French)
Diminutive of Mortimer: Dead Sea (A Stagnant Lake)
Morthwyl  (Welsh)
Mortimer  (French)
Dead Sea (A Stagnant Lake)
Morton  (English)
From the Farm Near the Moor
Morty  (French)
Diminutive of Mortimer: Dead Sea (A Stagnant Lake)
Morvan  (Gaelic)
Morven  (Celtic)
Lives by the Sea
Morvin  (Gaelic)
Morvran  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Tegid
Morvyn  (Celtic)
Lives by the Sea
Moryn  (Celtic)
Lives by the Sea
Mosegi  (Egyptian)
Moserah  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Moseroth  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Moses  (Greek)
Drawn Out of the Water
Moshe  (Hebrew)
Form of Moses 'saved from the Water.'
Mosheh  (Hebrew)
Saved from the Water
Mosi  (Egyptian)
First Born
Moss  (All Nationalities)
From the Water
Moswen  (Egyptian)
Light Skin
Motavato  (Native American)
Black Kettle (Cheyenne)
Motega  (American)
New Arrow
Moth  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Page to Armado. 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' a Fairy
Motka  (Russian)
God's Gift
Moukib  (Arabic)
Last of the Prophets
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 286 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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