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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 310 of 422) 

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Otoo  (American)
Collecting Sea Shells in a Basket
Otos  (Greek)
Keen of Hearing
Ottah  (Egyptian)
Third Born
Ottar  (Norse)
Ottavio  (Latin)
Born Eighth
Otto  (German)
Born Eighth or Wealthy
Ottokar  (German)
Happy Fighter
Ottoway  (Teutonic)
Lucky in War
Otus  (Greek)
Keen of Hearing
Otway  (Teutonic)
Lucky in War
Oubastet  (Egyptian)
A Cat
Oudumber  (Hindu)
Ouray  (Native American)
Ourson  (French)
Little Bear
Outram  (Teutonic)
Wealthy Raven
Ovadiah  (Hebrew)
Serves God
Ovadya  (Hebrew)
Serves God
Ovaegir  (Norse)
Father of the Skraeling Children
Ove  (Norse)
Oved  (Hebrew)
Ovid  (Latin)
Egg Shaped
Ovidio  (Spanish)
Owain  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Urien
Owein  (Welsh)
Young Warrior
Owen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Born to Nobility
Owin  (Celtic)
Young Fighter
Owyn  (Celtic)
Young Fighter
Owynn  (Welsh)
Wellborn. Form of Ewan
Oxa  (Anglo Saxon)
Oxford  (English)
From the Ox Ford
Oxley  (English)
From the Ox Enclosure
Oxnaford  (English)
From the Ox Ford
Oxnaleah  (English)
From the Ox Enclosure
Oxnatun  (English)
From the Ox Farm
Oxton  (English)
From the Ox Farm
Oya  (American)
Naming or Speaking of the Jacksnipe
Oysten  (Norse)
Oz  (English)
Ozem  (Biblical)
That Fasts, Their Eagerness
Ozi  (Hebrew)
Ozias  (Biblical)
Strength from the Lord
Ozni  (Biblical)
An Ear, My Hearkening
Ozur  (Norse)
Son of Thorleif
Ozzi  (Hebrew)
Ozzie  (English)
Diminutive of Oswald: Divine Power
Ozzy  (English)
Diminutive of Oswald: Divine Power
Paarai  (Biblical)
Paavan  (Hindu)
Paaveli  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of Paul
Paavo  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of Paul
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 310 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Ida | Deepthamshu | Kozel | Alam | Dirk | Augustine | Hlynn | Oddveig | Takeo | Manini | Nicolette | Skah | Mitch | Satordi | Chandra |