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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 34 of 422) 

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Anis  (Islamic)
Friendly, Sociable, Kind (Anees)
Anish  (Indian)
Born Without a Master
Anissa  (Hebrew)
Grace of God
Anitelu  (Polynesian)
Masculine; Manly
Aniweta  (African)
Nigerian Name Meaning 'Brought by a Spirit'
Anjay  (Hindu)
Unconquerable; Unbeatable
Anjou  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Reignier, Duke of Anjou, and Titular King of Naples
Anjum  (Muslim)
Anker  (Danish)
Danish Form of Andrew
Ankit  (Hindu)
A Sign, Signature
Ankur  (Hindu)
A Bud
Ankush  (Hindu)
A Hook, a Goad, a Restraint
Anlon  (Irish)
Anluan  (Irish)
Anmcha  (Irish)
Ann  (Anglo Saxon)
Anna  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Annaduff  (Irish)
From the Black Marsh
Annan  (Celtic)
From the Stream
Annar  (Scandinavian)
Born Second
Annas  (Biblical)
One Who Answers; Humble
Annawan  (Native American)
Variant of Annawon: Algonquin Name Meaning Chief
Annawon  (Native American)
Algonquin Name Meaning Chief
Anndra  (Greek)
Annraoi  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Annson  (English)
Variant of Anson: Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Anntoin  (Irish)
Anoki  (Native American)
Anoop  (Indian)
incomparable, the best
Anpu  (Egyptian)
God of the Dead
Anrai  (Irish)
Variant of Einri: Rules the Home
Ansar  (Islamic)
Friend, Patron, Supporter
Anschel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Asher: Happy. in the Old Testament, Asher Was One of Jacob's Sons
Anscom  (English)
Lives in the Valley of the Majestic One
Anscomb  (English)
Lives in the Valley of the Majestic One
Anseim  (German)
From the Old German Ansehelm, Meaning God-helmet
Ansel  (French)
Adherent of a Nobleman
Ansell  (French)
Adherent of a Nobleman
Anselm  (Teutonic)
Divine Helmet
Anselmo  (Spanish)
Divine Helmet
Ansgar  (Teutonic)
Divine Spear
Anshel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Asher: Happy. in the Old Testament, Asher Was One of Jacob's Sons
Anshil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Asher: Happy. in the Old Testament, Asher Was One of Jacob's Sons
Anshu  (Hindu)
Anshul  (Hindu)
Variant of Anshu: Sunbeam
Anshuman  (Indian)
Ansleigh  (English)
From the Awe Inspiring One's Meadow
Ansley  (English)
From the Awe Inspiring One's Meadow
Anson  (English)
Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Ansson  (English)
Variant of Anson: Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 34 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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