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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 419 of 422) 

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Zamzummims  (Biblical)
Projects of Crimes, Enormous Crimes
Zan  (Hebrew)
Well Fed
Zander  (English)
Abbreviation of Alexander
Zane  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Zani  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Zanoah  (Biblical)
Forgetfulness, Desertion
Zaphnath-paaneah  (Biblical)
One Who Discovers Hidden Things
Zapotocky  (Czechoslovakian)
From Beyond the Brook
Zarad  (Hebrew)
Zarah  (Biblical)
East, Brightness
Zareah  (Biblical)
Leprosy, Hornet
Zareb  (African)
Zared  (Hebrew)
Zareef  (Muslim)
Variant of Zarif: Elegant. Witty
Zareh  (Armenian)
Zarek  (Greek)
God Protect the King
Zarephath  (Biblical)
Ambush of the Mouth
Zaretan  (Biblical)
Tribulation, Perplexity
Zarif  (Muslim)
Elegant. Witty
Zatthu  (Biblical)
Olive Tree
Zauq  (Muslim)
Taste. Perceptivity
Zavad  (Hebrew)
Zayd  (Muslim)
Zayit  (Hebrew)
Zayne  (English)
Variant of Zane or John
Zaza  (Biblical)
Belonging to All
Zbigniew  (Polish)
To Get Rid of Anger
Zdenek  (French)
Follower of Saint Denys
Ze'ev  (Hebrew)
Zeb  (Hebrew)
Abbreviation of Zebedee or Zebediah. Portion of the Lord, Gift from God
Zebadiah  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Zebah  (Biblical)
Victim, Sacrifice
Zebedee  (Biblical)
Abundant, Portion
Zebediah  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Zebina  (Biblical)
Flowing Now, Selling, Buying
Zeboiim  (Biblical)
Deer, Goats
Zebul  (Biblical)
A Habitation
Zebulon  (Biblical)
Dwelling, Habitation
Zebulun  (Biblical)
Dwelling, Habitation
Zechariah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Remembered
Zed  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Zedekiah: the Lord is Righteous; God's Justice
Zedad  (Biblical)
His Side; His Hunting
Zedekiah  (Hebrew)
God is Fair
Zeeb  (Biblical)
Zeeman  (Dutch)
Sea Man
Zeheb  (Turkish)
Zeke  (English)
Abbreviation of Ezekiel
Zeki  (Turkish)
Zelah  (Biblical)
Rib, Side, Halting
Zelda  (English)
Woman Warrior (A Nickname of Griselda )
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 419 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Barnebas | Mettalise | Jennarae | Gerald | Gwynfor | Lew | James | Shubha | Leonel | Trymman | Aristokles | Manohar | Marsena | Irune | CampbeIl |