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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 5 of 422) 

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Abdul Razaaq  (Muslim)
Servant of the Maintainer. The Provider
Abdul Razaq  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Razaaq: Servant of the Maintainer. The Provider
Abdul Rehman  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdul Rahman: One Who Serves a Merciful Man
Abdul Saboor  (Muslim)
Servant of the Patient
Abdul Sabur  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Saboor: Servant of the Patient
Abdul Salaam  (Muslim)
Servant of the Peace
Abdul Salam  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Salam: Servant of Peace
Abdul Samee'  (Muslim)
Servant of the All-hearing
Abdul Shakoor  (Muslim)
Servant of the Most Thankful
Abdul Shakur  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Shakoor: Servant of the Most Thankful
Abdul Tawaab  (Muslim)
Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul Waahid  (Muslim)
Servant of the One
Abdul Wadood  (Muslim)
Servant of the Loving
Abdul Wadud  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Wadood: Servant of the Loving
Abdul Wahaab  (Muslim)
Servant of the Giver
Abdul Wahab  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Wahaab: Servant of the Giver
Abdul Wahid  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Waahid: Servant of the One
Abdul-Aalee  (Muslim)
Servant of the Most High
Abdul-Aleem  (Muslim)
Servant of the Omniscient
Abdul-Alim  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-aleem: Servant of the Omniscient
Abdul-Azeem  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mighty
Abdul-Azeez  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abdul-Azim  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-azeem: Servant of the Mighty
Abdul-Aziz  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-azeez: Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abdul-Baari  (Muslim)
Servant of the Creator
Abdul-Baasit  (Muslim)
Servant of the Extender, Creator
Abdul-Bari  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-baari: Servant of the Creator
Abdul-Basit  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-baasit: Servant of the Extender, Creator
Abdul-Fataah  (Muslim)
Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Abdul-Fatah  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-fataah: Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Abdul-Ghafoor  (Muslim)
Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul-Ghafur  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-ghafoor: Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul-Haady  (Muslim)
Servant of the Guide
Abdul-Haafiz  (Muslim)
Servant of the Protector
Abdul-Hadi  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haady: Servant of the Guide
Abdul-Hafiz  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haafiz: Servant of the Protector
Abdul-Hakam  (Muslim)
Servant of the Arbitrator
Abdul-Haleem  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-halim: Servant of the Mild. Patient
Abdul-Halim  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mild. Patient
Abdul-Hameed  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-hamid: Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abdul-Hamid  (Muslim)
Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abdul-Haq  (Muslim)
Servant of the Truth
Abdul-Haseeb  (Muslim)
Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abdul-Hasib  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haseeb: Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abdul-Jabaar  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mighty
Abdul-Jaleel  (Muslim)
Servant of the Great. Revered
Abdul-Jalil  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-jaleel: Servant of the Great. Revered
Abdul-Kareem  (Muslim)
Servant of the Noble. Generous
Abdul-Karim  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-kareem: Servant of the Noble. Generous
Abdul-Khaaliq  (Muslim)
Servant of the Creator
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 5 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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