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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 91 of 422) 

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Carmelo  (Hebrew)
Fruitful Orchard. Refers to Mount Carmel in Palestine
Carmi  (Biblical)
My Vineyard, Lamb of the Waters
Carmichael  (Gaelic)
Follower of Michael; Friend of Saint Michael
Carmichail  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Served Saint Michael
Carmine  (English)
Carne  (Gaelic)
Variant of English Surname Cairn Meaning Landmark or Memorial of Piled-up Stones
Carneades  (Latin)
Name of a Philosopher
Carnell  (English)
Defender of the Castle
Carney  (Irish)
Champion; Victorious
Carnig  (Armenian)
Small Lamb
Carny  (Irish)
Variant of Carney: Champion; Victorious
Carol  (Gaelic)
Carolan  (Gaelic)
Variant of Carlin: Small Champion
Caroll  (English)
Variant of Carroll: Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor
Carollan  (Gaelic)
Variant of Carlin: Small Champion
Carolo  (Spanish)
Variant of Carlos: Man (Spanish Variant of Charles)
Carolos  (French)
Carolus  (Gaelic)
Carpus  (Biblical)
Fruit, Fruitful
Carr  (Celtic)
Carrado  (Arthurian Legend)
A Knight
Carraig  (Irish)
From the Rocky Headland
Carrick  (Irish)
From the Rocky Headland
Carrington  (Celtic)
Place Name and Surname
Carrol  (Celtic)
Carroll  (Celtic)
Carrson  (Scandinavian)
Son of Carr
Carshena  (Biblical)
A Lamb, Sleeping
Carson  (English)
Son of Carr
Carsten  (Latin)
Carston  (Latin)
Carswell  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Carsyn  (American)
Son of Carr
Cartagh  (Irish)
Variant of Carthach: Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carter  (English)
Cart Driver, Cart Maker. A Surname Sometimes Used As a First Name
Cartere  (English)
Drives a Cart
Carthach  (Irish)
Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carthage  (English)
The Anglicized Form of the Irish Carthach, Which is a Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Cartland  (English)
From the Land Between the Streams
Cartwright  (English)
Builder of Carts
Carvel  (English)
From the Villa by the March
Carvell  (English)
From the Villa by the March
Carver  (English)
Carves Wood or Sculpts
Carwyn  (Welsh)
Variant of Caerwyn: White Fortress
Cary  (Welsh)
From the Castle. 'Loving.'
Caryl  (English)
Variant of Carroll: Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor
Cas  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Seidi
Casca  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' a Conspirator Against Caesar
Case  (English)
Bringer of Peace
Caseareo  (Greek)
Long Haired
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 91 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Ricardo | Kostya | Mulcahy | Viviana | Himani | Gertrud | Parthenie | Itxaro | Audwyn | Najeeba | Hugh | Nishok | Mahala | Jordon | Hope |