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Unisex Baby Names, Meanings

1142 names found for "Unisex"   (page 10 of 23) 

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Kozue  (Japanese)
Tree Branches
Kris  (Scandinavian)
Kristian  (Scandinavian)
Christ Bearer
Kuldeep  (Hindu)
Light of the Family
Kuma  (Japanese)
Kumi  (Japanese)
Long, Continued Beauty
Kuron  (African)
Kyle  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Narrow Land, Handsome
Kyler  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Tyler
Kylie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Narrow Land
Kynan  (Welsh)
Kyrie  (Latin)
The Lord
Lachlan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Lake
Laine  (English)
The Narrow Road. Origin: Middle English
Laken  (American)
From the Lake
Lakin  (African American)
Lakia, Found Treasure
Lakyle  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Half Wood
Landen  (English)
Grassy Plain
Landry  (English)
Rough Land
Lane  (English)
Narrow Road
Lang  (Scandinavian)
Tall One
Lani  (Hawaiian)
Laramie  (French)
Tears of Love
Larue  (French)
The Street
Lave  (Italian)
Burning Rock
Lavender  (English)
A Purple Flowering Plant
Lavey  (Hebrew)
From the Name Levi
Lavi  (Hebrew)
Layne  (English)
Narrow Road
Le  (Chinese)
Leal  (French)
Lee  (English)
Sheltered from the Storm
Leigh  (English)
From the Name Lee
Leslie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Lex  (Greek)
A Word
Lexiss  (American)
Protector of Mankind
Li  (Chinese)
Li-paz  (Hebrew)
The Meaning of 'Paz' is Gold,Tresure,Very Dear. My Dear, My Gold Etc
Li-raz  (Hebrew)
Raz is Secret,
Liberty  (American)
Lilo  (Hawaiian)
Generous One
Lindley  (English)
Lindsay  (English)
Linden Trees Near the Water
Lindsey  (English)
Linden Trees Near the Water
Lindy  (Spanish)
From the Name Lindsey or Linda
Linh  (Vietnamese)
Not Available
Lirit  (Hebrew)
Musical Grace
Lisle  (French)
Of the Island
Loba  (African)
To Talk
Locke  (English)
1142 names found for "Unisex"   (page 10 of 23) 

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Additional Names

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