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Baby names beginning with "A"

4526 names found for "A"   (page 33 of 91) 

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Alberto  (Spanish)
Form of Albert
Albertyna  (English)
Albertyne  (German)
Albhda  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Albin: from the Latin Albinus, Meaning White.Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White
Albie  (English)
Variant of Albert: Old English for Brilliant; Bright
Albin  (Latin)
From the Latin Albinus, Meaning White.Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White. St Alban Was Britain's First Mar
Albina  (English)
A Feminine Form of Albin, Borne by a 3rd-century Saint. The Name Was Popular in Britain in the Th and Th Centuries
Albinia  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Albin: from the Latin Albinus, Meaning White.Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White
Albinka  (Polish)
Albinus  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of an Abbot
Albion  (Arthurian Legend)
Albiona  (Arthurian Legend)
Albrecht  (German)
Intelligent or Noble
Albreda  (English)
Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, from an Old German Name Meaning Elf Counsel Was Originally Used for Both Sexes, But is Now Regarded As a Feminine Name
Albula  (Latin)
From the Tiber
Alburn  (English)
Noble Warrior
Alburt  (English)
Noble or Bright
Alby  (Irish)
Name of an Irish Saint
Alcaeus  (Latin)
A Greek Poet
Alcamene  (Latin)
Mother of Hercules
Alcee  (Italian)
Famous Bearer: Alcine is Mistress of Alluring Enchantments and Sensual Pleasures in the Orlando Poems
Alcestis  (Greek)
Name of a Woman Who Gave Her Life to Save Her Hushand
Alcibiades  (Shakespearean)
'The Life of Timon of Athens' a Flattering Lord, and an Athenian Captain
Alcimede  (Latin)
Mother of Jason
Alcina  (Italian)
Famous Bearer: Alcine is Mistress of Alluring Enchantments and Sensual Pleasures in the Orlando Poems
Alcine  (Italian)
Famous Bearer: Alcine is Mistress of Alluring Enchantments and Sensual Pleasures in the Orlando Poems
Alcinia  (Italian)
Famous Bearer: Alcine is Mistress of Alluring Enchantments and Sensual Pleasures in the Orlando Poems
Alcinoos  (Greek)
Helps Odysseus Return Home
Alcinous  (Greek)
Helps Odysseus Return Home
Alcippe  (Greek)
Daughter of Ares
Alcmena  (Latin)
Mother of Hercules
Alcmene  (Greek)
Mother of Hercules
Alcnaeon  (Greek)
One of the Thebes Attackers
Alcott  (English)
From the Old Cottage
Alcuin  (Teutonic)
Noble Friend
Alcumena  (Latin)
Mother of Hercules
Alcyone  (Greek)
Daughter of Aeolus
Alcyoneus  (Greek)
Kingfisher. Alcyoneus Fought Against Athena in Greek Mythology
Alcyoneus  (Greek)
Fought Against Athene
Ald  (German)
Old or Wise
Alda  (Hispanic)
Aldan  (English)
From the Old Manor
Aldana  (Hispanic)
The Prettiest. Combination of Alda and Ana
Alddes  (Greek)
Descended from Alcaeus
Aldea  (Teutonic)
Alden  (Anglo Saxon)
Aldene  (Italian)
Wise. Elder. Variant of Aldo
Alder  (English)
From the Alder Tree
Aldercy  (English)
Aldfrith  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
4526 names found for "A"   (page 33 of 91) 

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