A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Baby names beginning with "A"

4526 names found for "A"   (page 41 of 91) 

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Aloisia  (German)
Famous Fighting
Alok  (Hindu)
Cry of Victory
Aloma  (Latin)
Dove. Abbreviation of Paloma
Alon  (Hebrew)
Alona  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alondra  (Spanish)
Variant of Alexandra: Defender of Mankind
Alonna  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alonsa  (German)
Alonso  (Spanish)
Eager for Battle; Form of Alphonse: See Alfonso
Alonza  (Teutonic)
Eager for War
Alonzo  (Spanish)
Eager for Battle
Aloodra  (Muslim)
Variant of Aludra: Virgin
Alopa  (Hindu)
Aloyoshenka  (Russian)
Defends Mankind
Aloys  (Teutonic)
Famous in War
Aloysha  (Russian)
Defends Mankind
Aloysia  (German)
Famous Fighting
Aloysius  (German)
A Warrior
Alpa  (Hindu)
Alpha  (Greek)
First Born
Alpheus  (Biblical)
A Thousand; Learned; Chief
Alphonsa  (Teutonic)
Eager for War
Alphonse  (Teutonic)
Eager for Battle (Alphonso)
Alphonsine  (German)
Feminine Form of Alphonso: from Old German Adalfuns Meaning Noble-ready. Common in Spain
Alphonso  (Teutonic)
Eager for Battle,Enthusiastic,Muddle-headed, Optimistic
Alphonsus  (Irish)
Noble or Ready
Alphonza  (Teutonic)
Eager for War
Alphosina  (Teutonic)
Eager for War
Alphosine  (Teutonic)
Eager for War
Alpin  (Scottish)
Anglicized Form of Ailpein, an Old Scottish Name of an Uncertain Etymology
Alpina  (Scottish)
Alric  (German)
Rules All. The Historical Gothic King Who Plundered Rome in A.D
Alrick  (German)
Rules All. The Historical Gothic King Who Plundered Rome in A.D
Alrigo  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Alrik  (Swedish)
All Ruler
Alroy  (Gaelic)
Red Haired
Alsandair  (Irish)
Defender of Man
Alsandare  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alsatia  (English)
From Alsace - a Region in France
Alson  (English)
Son of All
Alsoomse  (Native American)
Independent (Algonquin)
Alston  (English)
From the Elfs Home
Alta  (Latin)
Tall and Lofty
Alta  (Spanish)
High. Abbreviation of Altagracia - a Reference to the High Grace of Jesus' Mother Mary
Altaaf  (Islamic)
Kindness (Altaf)
Altaf  (Muslim)
Variant of Altaaf: Kindness. Graces
Altagracia  (Spanish)
High. Abbreviation of Altagracia - a Reference to the High Grace of Jesus' Mother Mary
Altair  (Greek)
A Star in the Constellation
Altair  (Arabic)
Altaira  (Arabic)
Bird. High-flying. in Astronomy Altair is a Star of the First Magnitude
4526 names found for "A"   (page 41 of 91) 

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Additional Names

Radeyah | Aila | Hafgrim | Mio | Carmina | Shandy | Ivrit | Mielikki | Nevada | Lincoln | Adlar | Timothea | Simon | Candace | Kimberly |