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Baby names beginning with "A"

4526 names found for "A"   (page 64 of 91) 

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Apia  (Hawaiian)
God is My Father
Apiatan  (Native American)
Kiowa Name Meaning Lance
Apikai  (Hawaiian)
Gift of God; Gift from God
Apilama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelama: He Who Has Many Children
Apirka  (Gaelic)
Apis  (Egyptian)
Mythical Dead Bull Thought to Be Osiris
Apocalypse  (Biblical)
Uncovering, Revelation
Apocalypse  (Biblical)
Uncovering, Revelation
Apocrypha  (Biblical)
Apocrypha  (Biblical)
Apod  (Hindu)
Another Name of Sage Doumya
Apollina  (Greek)
From Apdlo
Apollinaris  (Greek)
From Apdlo
Apolline  (French)
Gift from Apollo
Apollo  (Latin)
God of the Sun
Apollodorus  (Latin)
Name of a Greek Writer
Apollon  (Greek)
Variant of Apollo: Manly Beauty. in Greek Mythology, Apollo Was the God of Medicine and Healing Who Drove His Fiery Chariot (The Sun) Through the Sky
Apollonia  (Biblical)
Perdition, Destruction
Apollonia  (Latin)
Belonging to Apollo. Mythology; Apollo Was the Greek God of Sun; Light; Music; and Poetry
Apollonis  (Latin)
One of the Muses Worshipped at Delphi
Apollonius  (Biblical)
Apollos  (Biblical)
One Who Destroys; Destroyer
Apollyon  (Biblical)
A Destroyer
Apolo  (Greek)
Variant of Apollo: Manly Beauty. in Greek Mythology, Apollo Was the God of Medicine and Healing Who Drove His Fiery Chariot (The Sun) Through the Sky
Apoloniusz  (Greek)
Manly Beauty
Aponi  (Native American)
Aponivi  (Native American)
Where the Wind Blows Down the Gap (Hopi)
Apoorva  (Indian)
quite new
Apostolos  (Greek)
Appaim  (Biblical)
Face, Nostrils
Appanoose  (Native American)
Sauk Word for Child
Apphia  (Biblical)
Productive; Fruitful
Appolina  (Greek)
Variant of Apollonia: of Apollo. St Apollonia Was a 3rd-century Martyr Who Had Her Own Teeth Knocked Out, Frequently Invoked Against Toothache
Appoline  (Greek)
Variant of Apollonia: of Apollo. St Apollonia Was a 3rd-century Martyr Who Had Her Own Teeth Knocked Out, Frequently Invoked Against Toothache
Appollo  (Greek)
God of the Sun
Aprameya  (Hindu)
Apratim  (Hindu)
Apria  (Latin)
From the Apricot
Aprika  (Basque)
April  (Latin)
Calendar Month, Open to Receive the Sun in Spring
Aprille  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryl  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryll  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apsaras  (Indian)
From the Water's Stream
Apsel  (German)
Father of Peace
Apu  (Hindu)
Apulia  (Latin)
From the River Apulia
Aputa  (Maori)
Open Spaces
Aqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Agha: Master. Owner
Aqdas  (Islamic)
Pure, Holy
4526 names found for "A"   (page 64 of 91) 

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Additional Names

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