A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Baby names beginning with "A"

4526 names found for "A"   (page 71 of 91) 

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Arlyn  (English)
Variant of Carlene and Charlene
Arlyne  (English)
Variant of Carlene and Charlene
Arlys  (Anglo Saxon)
Arlyss  (Anglo Saxon)
Armageddon  (Biblical)
A Hill of Fruits, Mountain of Megiddo
Armageddon  (Biblical)
A Hill of Fruits, Mountain of Megiddo
Arman  (Russian)
Army Man
Armand  (German)
Army Man; Soldier. Famous Bearer: Romantic Actor Armand Assante
Armanda  (Spanish)
Feminine of Armando
Armande  (French)
From the Name Armand
Armandek  (Polish)
Armando  (German)
Army Man. Variant of Herman
Armani  (African)
Armanno  (Italian)
Armelle  (French)
Armen  (Armenian)
Armenia  (Latin)
From Armenia
Armenouhie  (Armenian)
Woman from Armenia
Armes  (Welsh)
Armida  (Latin)
Little Armed One
Armilda  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Armilde  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Armilla  (Latin)
Armin  (Hebrew)
High Place
Armina  (Latin)
Armine  (German)
Feminine Form of Herman: Soldier. Army Man. from the Old German Hariman
Armino  (Teutonic)
Armod  (Norse)
Blood Brother of Geirleif
Armon  (Hebrew)
High Place
Armond  (Italian)
Army Man
Armonde  (German)
Variant of Armand: Army Man; Soldier. Famous Bearer: Romantic Actor Armand Assante
Armondo  (Italian)
Army Man
Armonno  (Teutonic)
Armstrang  (English)
Strong Armed
Armstrong  (English)
One With a Strong Arm
Arnaldo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Arnold 'Eagle'
Arnan  (Hebrew)
Quick; Joyful. A Biblical Name
Arnatt  (English)
Little Eagle
Arnaud  (French)
French Form of Arnold
Arnav  (Hindu)
Arnbjorn  (Scandinavian)
Eagle Bear
Arndell  (English)
From the Eagle's Dell
Arne  (German)
Diminutive of Arnold: the Eagle Rules; Strong As an Eagle. Famous Bearer: Movie Star and Producer/Directer Arnold Schwarzennegger
Arne  (Latin)
Mother of Aeolus Iii Boeotus
Arnelle  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Arneot  (Norse)
Frightens Eagles
Arnet  (English)
Little Eagle
Arnett  (English)
Little Eagle
Arngeir  (Norse)
Eagle Spear
Arni  (Norse)
In Njal's Saga the Killer of Althing
4526 names found for "A"   (page 71 of 91) 

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Additional Names

Anstice | Clementina | Countess | Fedora | Rishi | Heather | Barachias | Tavin | Brendan | Thilo | Boanerges | Dann | Terrene | Jemima | Fabyan |