A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Baby names beginning with "A"

4526 names found for "A"   (page 82 of 91) 

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Atu  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to a Boy Born on Saturday
Atuanya  (African)
A Surprise; Unexpected. (Nigerian)
Atuf  (Islamic)
Affectionate, Kind Hearted
Atufa  (Muslim)
Kind. Merciful
Atul  (Indian)
Atulya  (Indian)
unweighable, incomparable
Atum  (Egyptian)
Atun  (Muslim)
Educator. Teacheress
Atur  (Celtic)
Variant of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Atwater  (English)
From the Waterside
Atwell  (English)
Lives by the Spring/Well
Atwood  (English)
Lives in the Forest
Atworth  (English)
Lives at the Farmstead
Atyaananda  (Hindu)
Full of Joy
Atyhtan  (Anglo Saxon)
Atzel  (Hebrew)
Au  (Japanese)
Auberon  (English)
Variant of Aubrey: Rules With Elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey De Vere, a Friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's Grandson Became the Earl of Oxford
Auberta  (French)
Feminine Variant of Albert
Aubin  (French)
Aubina  (French)
Aubine  (French)
Aubree  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Aubrey  (French)
Blond Ruler, Elf Ruler. from the Old French Auberi, a Form of the Old German Alberich Meaning Elf Ruler
Aubrey  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Aubrey  (German)
Noble, Bright
Aubrian  (Teutonic)
Rules the Elves
Aubriana  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Aubrianna  (English)
Noble, Strong One
Aubrianne  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Aubrie  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Aubry  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Aubry  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom
Auburn  ()
Fine Appearing, Delicately Constituted
Aubyn  (Latin)
Auctor  (Arthurian Legend)
Foster Father of Arthur
Aud  (Norse)
Son of Night
Aud  (English)
Diminutive of Audrey: Originally a Diminutive of Etheidreda. Famous Bearer: Famous Actress Audrey Hepburn
Auda  (French)
Old or Wealthy
Audabella  (English)
Combination of Audi & Bella
Aude  (French)
Old or Wealthy
Audel  (English)
Old Friend
Audelia  (English)
Nobility; Strength
Auden  (English)
Old Friend
Audene  (English)
Nobility; Strength
Audfis  (Teutonic)
Audhild  (Norse)
Rich Warrior Woman
Audhilda  (Norse)
Rich Warrior Woman
Audhilde  (Norse)
Rich Warrior Woman
Audhumbla  (Norse)
A Giant Cow That Nursed Ymir
4526 names found for "A"   (page 82 of 91) 

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Additional Names

Constance | Crispin | Lorens | Juliet | Olga | Murdoc | Raimi | Kollsvein | Caerleon | Sychar | Hallam | Curt | Agustina | Ismaela | Ida |