A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Baby names beginning with "A"

4526 names found for "A"   (page 9 of 91) 

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Abhinandan  (Hindu)
Handsome Son, Congratulatory Greetings
Abhinandana  (Hindu)
Happiness, Good Wishes
Abhinav  (Hindu)
Modern,New, Novel
Abhineet  (Hindu)
Abhinetri  (Hindu)
Actress, Dancer
Abhinivesh  (Hindu)
Long Cherished Desire
Abhinivesha  (Hindu)
Long Cherished Desire
Abhiraj  (Hindu)
Abhiraja  (Hindu)
Great King
Abhiram  (Hindu)
Lovely, Pleasing
Abhirath  (Hindu)
Abhirati  (Indian)
Mother of Five Hundred Children; a Mother Goddess
Abhiroopa  (Hindu)
Abhishek  (Hindu)
Ceremonious Holy Bath Given to a Deity
Abhivachan  (Hindu)
Good Word
Abhivadak  (Hindu)
One Who Salutes Respectfully
Abhivandan  (Hindu)
Salutation With Respect
Abhivandya  (Hindu)
One Who is Greeted Respectfully
Abhorson  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' an Executioner
Abhramani  (Hindu)
Sun or Moon
Abhy  (Hebrew)
Gives Joy
Abi  (Biblical)
My Father
Abi-albon  (Biblical)
Most Intelligent Father
Abia  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apia: God is My Father
Abia  (Arabic)
Abiageal  (Irish)
Irish Form of Abigail. Brings Joy
Abiah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviah: My Father is Lord
Abiah  (Biblical)
The Lord is My Father
Abiasaph  (Biblical)
Consuming Father; Gathering
Abiathar  (Biblical)
Excellent Father; Father of the Remnant
Abib  (Biblical)
Green Fruit, Ears of Corn
Abib  (Biblical)
Green Fruit, Ears of Corn
Abiba  (African)
Child Born After Grandmother Died
Abichail  (Hebrew)
Gives Joy
Abid  (Arabic)
Worshiper of Allah
Abida  (Muslim)
Worshippess. Adoress
Abidah  (Biblical)
Father of Knowledge
Abidan  (Biblical)
Father of Judgment
Abie  (Hebrew)
God is Joy
Abiel  (Hebrew)
God is My Father
Abiezer  (Biblical)
Father of Help
Abigail  (Hebrew)
A Father's Joy, Affectionate, Sincere, Sympathetic
Abihail  (Biblical)
The Father of Strength
Abihu  (Biblical)
He is My Father
Abihud  (Biblical)
Father of Praise; Confession
Abijah  (Biblical)
The Lord is My Father
Abijam  (Biblical)
Father of the Sea
Abilene  (Biblical)
The Father of Mourning
Abimael  (Biblical)
A Father Sent from God
Abimelech  (Hebrew)
Father is King
4526 names found for "A"   (page 9 of 91) 

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Additional Names

Roland | Atmajyoti | Arela | Net | Tekla | Rive | Brayden | Huxly | Almaas | Lorraine | Bhadravati | Milo | Deeraj | Beth | Alexis |