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Baby names beginning with "C"

2531 names found for "C"   (page 2 of 51) 

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Cadis  (Greek)
Cadman  (Celtic)
Cadmon  (Welsh)
Cadmus  (Greek)
He Who Excels; from the East
Cador  (Arthurian Legend)
Nephew of Arthur
Cadwalader  (Welsh)
Variant of Cadwaladr: War Leader; Battle Leader
Cadwaladr  (Welsh)
Battle Leader. This Name Dates Back to the Th Century. More Commonly Used As a Surname Than a First Name in the Present Day
Cadwaladyr  (Welsh)
Variant of Cadwaladr: War Leader; Battle Leader
Cadwallader  (Welsh)
Battle Leader. This Name Dates Back to the Th Century. More Commonly Used As a Surname Than a First Name in the Present Day
Cadwallen  (Welsh)
Battle Disolver. Also a Variant of Cadwallon: Arranges the Battle
Cadwallon  (Arthurian Legend)
A Seventh Century King
Cadwgawn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iddon
Cadwr  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwlyon
Cadwy  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gereint
Cadwyn  (Welsh)
Cady  (English)
Happiness of a Shepherdess (Cade, Cadee, Cadey)
Cadyna  (English)
Cadyryeith  (Welsh)
Well Spoken
Caecelius  (Latin)
Caedmon  (Anglo Saxon)
Caedwalla  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Cael  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Victorious People
Caela  (Gaelic)
Slender. Variant of Caley or Cailley: (French) 'From the Forest
Caelan  (Gaelic)
Contemporary Variant of Cailean 'Child.'
Caelan  (Gaelic)
Girl; Lass
Caelin  (Irish)
Variant of Caelan: Powerful Warrior
Caeneus  (Greek)
A Woman Who Asked to Become a Man
Caenis  (Latin)
Daughter of Atrax
Caer Llion  (Welsh)
From Caerleon
Caerau  (Welsh)
From the Castle
Caerleon  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a Battle Site
Caersewiella  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Caerwyn  (Welsh)
White Fortress
Caesar  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Octavius Caesar, Roman Triumvir. 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Julius Caesar, Roman Statesman and General
Caesare  (Greek)
Long Haired
Caethes  (Welsh)
Caezar  (Latin)
Variant of Caesar: Hairy
Cafall  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Dog
Cafell  (Welsh)
Caffar  (Irish)
Caffara  (Irish)
Caffaria  (Irish)
Caflice  (Anglo Saxon)
Cagney  (Irish)
Cagney  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Not Available
Cahal  (Celtic)
Strong in Battle
Cahir  (Irish)
Cahira  (Irish)
Cai  (Welsh)
A Diminutive of Cajus, Frequently Used As an Independent Name in Wales. Rejoicer
Cai  (Welsh)
2531 names found for "C"   (page 2 of 51) 

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Additional Names

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