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Baby names beginning with "C"

2531 names found for "C"   (page 33 of 51) 

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Cinneidid  (Irish)
Helmet Head; Helmed Head
Cinneididh  (Gaelic)
Cinneidigh  (Irish)
Variant of Cinneidid: Helmeted; Helmed Head
Cinnfhail  (Gaelic)
From the Head of the Cliff
Cinnia  (Celtic)
Cinnie  (Celtic)
Cinthia  (Greek)
One of the Names of the Mythological Moon Goddess Artemis Referring to Her Birth on Mount Cynthus
Cinwell  (English)
Lives at the King's Spring
Cinxia  (Latin)
A Name Referring to Juno
Cinyras  (Greek)
Founded the Cult of Aphrodite
Cinzia  (Italian)
Variant of Greek Name Cynthia - One of the Names of the Mythological Mood Goddess Artemis Referring to Her Birth on Mount Cynthus
Ciorstag  (Gaelic)
Ciorstaidh  (Gaelic)
A Follower of Christ; a Gaelic Form of Kirstie Which is Derived from Christine. Variations: Ciorstag, Curstaidh, Curstag. (Keers-tee)
Ciorstan  (Gaelic)
Cipriana  (Spanish)
From Cyprus
Cipriano  (Spanish)
From Cyprus
Ciqala  (Native American)
Little One (Dakota)
Ciqala  (Native American)
Little One
Cira  (Italian)
Circe  (Greek)
A Witch
Circehyll  (English)
Lives at the Church Hill
Ciri  (Italian)
Variant of Cyril
Cirila  (Greek)
Cirilio  (Greek)
Variant of Cyril: Lord
Cirilla  (English)
Mistress; Lady. Feminine of Cyril
Cirillo  (Greek)
Variant of Cyril: Lord
Cirilo  (Greek)
Cirio  (Greek)
Ciro  (Greek)
Ancient Egyptian Wind
Cirocco  (Italian)
Ancient Egyptian Wind
Cis  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Cis  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Cisco  (Spanish)
Cisleu  (Biblical)
Rashness, Confidence
Cisleu  (Biblical)
Rashness, Confidence
Ciss  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Ciss  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Cissie  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Cissie  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Cissy  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Cissy  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
CIyde  (Welsh)
Loud Voiced
CIywd  (Welsh)
Loud Voiced
Claas  (Greek)
People's Victory
Clach  (Scottish)
Cladian  (Latin)
Clady  (Danish)
Danish Form of Claudia
Claec  (English)
Claefer  (English)
Claeg  (English)
2531 names found for "C"   (page 33 of 51) 

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Additional Names

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