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Baby names beginning with "D"

1979 names found for "D"   (page 23 of 40) 

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Devottham  (Hindu)
Best of All Devas
Devra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devraj  (Hindu)
Ruler of the Gods
Devri  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devries  (Dutch)
Devrim  (Turkish)
Devron  (English)
Variant of the English County Name Devon
Devry  (English)
Derived from Place-name Deverel
Devyn  (Anglo Saxon)
From Devon
Devyn  (English)
Devyna  (English)
From Devonshire
Devynn  (English)
Dewain  (Celtic)
Dewan  (Islamic)
Royal Court, Tribunal of Justice (Diwan)
Dewayne  (Irish)
Dewei  (Chinese)
Highly Noble
Dewey  ()
Controlled Physical Power
Dewi  (Welsh)
Variant of David: Beloved or Friend, from the Hebrew. Sixth Century St David (Or Dewi) Was Patron Saint of Wales
DeWitt  (Flemish)
Dex  (Latin)
Variant of Dexter 'Right-handed.'
Dex  (Latin)
Flexible, Able-bodied
Dexter  (Latin)
Dexterous or Right Handed
Dexton  (Latin)
Variant of Dexter 'Right-handed.'
Dextra  (Latin)
Adroit; Skillful
Deylin  (English)
Rhyming Variant of Waylon - a Historical Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Deysi  (English)
Day's Eye. A Flower Name
Dezba  (Native American)
Going to War
Dezi  (Latin)
Yearning; Sorrow. Abbreviation of Desiderus
Dezirae  (French)
Variant of Desiree Meaning 'The One Desired. '
Deziree  (French)
Variant of Desiree Meaning 'The One Desired. '
Dezmond  (Gaelic)
From South Munster. an Irish Surname Referring to Munster: (One of Ancient Ireland's Five Regions.)
Dezso  (Hungarian)
Dezydery  (Polish)
To Desire
Dhaamin  (Muslim)
Responsible. Guarantor
Dhaara  (Hindu)
Constant Flow. Origin: Sanskrit
Dhaigham  (Muslim)
Lion. King of Jungle
Dhairyavanth  (Hindu)
Brave Person
Dhameer  (Muslim)
Heart. Conscience
Dhamin  (Muslim)
Variant of Dhaamin: Responsible. Guarantor
Dhamir  (Muslim)
Variant of Dhameer: Heart. Conscience
Dhana  (Sanskrit)
Dhananjay  (Hindu)
Dhanesh  (Indian)
lord of wealth
Dhanna  (Sanskrit)
Dhanyata  (Hindu)
Success, Fulfilment
Dhara  (Hindu)
Earth (Bhoomi). Origin: Sanskrit
Dharani  (Indian)
Dharini  (Hindu)
Dharinipal  (Hindu)
Dharithri  (Hindu)
1979 names found for "D"   (page 23 of 40) 

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Additional Names

Garadyn | Marukatam | Sandor | Solon | Ira | Benedict | Talbert | Trymman | Andrew | Neal | Idonea | Lucille | Talleen | Talar | Arion |