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Baby names beginning with "D"

1979 names found for "D"   (page 36 of 40) 

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Dru  (French)
Variant of Andrew 'Manly.'
Dru  (American)
Manly, Courageous
Dru  (Latin)
Feminine of the Roman Family Name Drusus
Druce  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Druid, Wise Man
Drucilla  (Latin)
Feminine of the Roman Family Name Drusus. Strong
Drud  (German)
Drudwas  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Tryffin
Drudwyn  (Arthurian Legend)
A Knight
Drue  (English)
Abbreviation of Andrew 'Manly.'
Drugi  (German)
Drummand  (Scottish)
At the Ridge
Drummond  (Scottish)
At the Ridge
Drupad  (Hindu)
King of Pachala
Drury  (French)
Drusilla  (Celtic)
Strong, Restless, Competent, Intolerant
Druson  (Welsh)
Son of Drew
Drych  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Kibddar
Dryden  (English)
From the Dry Valley
Drygedene  (English)
From the Dry Valley
Dryope  (Greek)
A Nymph
Drysi  (Welsh)
Drystan  (Arthurian Legend)
An Advisor to Arthur
Dryw  (Welsh)
Drywsone  (Welsh)
Son of Drew
Dtsirte  (French)
Desired, Wished
Du  (Vietnamese)
Du  (Welsh)
Duaa  (Arabic)
Prayer to God
Duach  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwawrddur
Duana  (Irish)
Feminine of Duane. Dark
Duane  (Irish)
From an Irish Surname Meaning Black or Dark. Many Irish and Scottish Names Have the Meaning 'Dark' or 'Black.'
Duante  (Irish)
Dark. Many Irish and Scottish Names Have the Meaning 'Dark' or 'Black.'
Duard  (English)
Wealthy Guardian
Duardo  (Spanish)
Prosperous Guardian. Variant of Edward
Duarte  (Portuguese)
He Who Watches Over the Land
Duartr  (Norse)
Rich Guard
Duayna  (Irish)
Feminine of Duane
Duayne  (Irish)
Dark. Many Irish and Scottish Names Have the Meaning 'Dark' or 'Black.'
Dubg  (Irish)
Black Haired
Dubh  (Scottish)
Dubhagain  (Irish)
Dubhain  (Irish)
Dubhan  (Irish)
Dubheasa  (Irish)
Dark Beauty
Dubhgall  (Gaelic)
Dark Stranger
Dubhgan  (Gaelic)
Dark Skinned
Dubhghall  (Scottish)
Dark-haired Stranger; a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Elements Dubh (Dark, Black) and Gall (Stranger). Anglicizaton: Dougal
Dubhghlas  (Gaelic)
A Compound Name Composed of the Elements Dubh (Black, Dark) and Glas (Blue, Green, Gray; Stream). See Also: Douglas
Dubhglas  (Irish)
Black and Gray
DubhgMl  (Irish)
Dark Stranger
1979 names found for "D"   (page 36 of 40) 

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Additional Names

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