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Baby names beginning with "H"

1550 names found for "H"   (page 7 of 31) 

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Hamsa  (Hindu)
Hamul  (Biblical)
Godly, Merciful
Hamul  (Biblical)
Godly, Merciful
Hamund  (Norse)
Son in Law of Helgi the Lean
Hamutal  (Biblical)
The Shadow of His Heat
Hamza  (Muslim)
Lion. Sour Leaves
Han  (German)
Gift from God
Hana  (Japanese)
Bud, Blossom
Hana'  (Muslim)
Happiness. Bliss. Felicity
Hanaa'  (Muslim)
Variant of Hana': Happiness. Bliss. Felicity
Hanah  (Israeli)
Favor; Grace
Hanah  (Israeli)
Favor; Grace
Hanako  (Japanese)
Flower, Fair Blossom (Hana, Hanae)
Hanameel  (Biblical)
The Grace That Comes from God, Gift of God
Hanameel  (Biblical)
The Grace That Comes from God, Gift of God
Hanan  (Biblical)
Full of Grace
Hananeel  (Biblical)
Grace, or Gift, of God
Hananeel  (Biblical)
Grace, or Gift, of God
Hananel  (Hebrew)
God is Gracious
Hanani  (Biblical)
My Grace, My Mercy
Hananiah  (Biblical)
Grace, Mercy, Gift of the Lord
Hanbal  (Egyptian)
Hand  (English)
Hane  (Teutonic)
Dwells in the Hedged Enclosure
Haneef  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanif: True Believer. Orthodox
Haneefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Hanes  (Biblical)
Banishment of Grace
Hanes  (Biblical)
Banishment of Grace
Hanford  (English)
From the High Ford
Hang  (Vietnamese)
Hanh  (Vietnamese)
Apricot Tree
Hani  (Arabic)
Cheerful and Happy
Hania  (Native American)
Spirit Warrior (Hopi)
Haniel  (Biblical)
The Gift of God
Hanif  (Egyptian)
Hanifa  (Muslim)
True Believer
Hanifah  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Hanita  (Hindu)
Divine Grace
Haniyyah  (Muslim)
Pleased. Happy
Hank  (German)
Diminutive of Henry: Home or House Ruler
Hanley  (English)
From the High Meadow
Hanlon  (Irish)
Hanly  (English)
From the High Meadow
Hann  (German)
Gift from God
Hanna  (Arabic)
Arabic Form of John
Hanna  (Hebrew)
Goddess of Life
Hannaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Hannan: Beautiful. Compassionate
Hannah  (Hebrew)
Favor; Grace. Biblical Mother of the Prophet Samuel
Hannah  (English)
Favor; Grace. Biblical Mother of the Prophet Samuel
Hannalee  ()
Combination of Hannah and Lee
1550 names found for "H"   (page 7 of 31) 

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Additional Names

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