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Baby names beginning with "J"

1539 names found for "J"   (page 29 of 31) 

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Juanita  (Spanish)
Consecrated to God
Juanito  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of John 'Gracious Gift from God'
Jubal  (Biblical)
He That Runs; a Trumpet
Jucal  (Biblical)
Mighty, Perfect
Jucal  (Biblical)
Mighty, Perfect
Juci  (Hebrew)
Jucika  (Hebrew)
Jud  (Hebrew)
Judaea  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judah  (Hebrew)
Praise of the Lord, Another Form is Jude, Dominating, Just, Wise
Judas  (Greek)
Greek Form of Judah. The Apostle, Judas Iscariot, Betrayed Jesus Christ for Thirty Pieces of Silver. As a Result, the Name Judas is Used As a Synonym for 'Traitor' and is Not Often Used As a First Nam
Judd  (Hebrew)
Jude  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Jude  (Hebrew)
From Judah
Jude  (Latin)
Judea  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judeana  (Hebrew)
From Judea
Judeena  (Hebrew)
From Judea
Judi  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Judie  (Hebrew)
Praised; from Judea
Judit  (Hebrew)
Judith  (Hebrew)
From Judah
Juditha  (Hebrew)
From Judea
Judson  (English)
Son of Jud
Judy  (Hebrew)
Judy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Juga  (Latin)
Goddess of Marriage
Jugalis  (Latin)
Goddess of Marriage
Juha  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Juhi  (Hindu)
A Flower
Jui  (Hindu)
Juin  (French)
Month of June
Juji  (African)
Heap of Love
Jukka  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of John
Julcsa  (Hungarian)
Jule  (French)
Julee  (French)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Juleen  (French)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Julen  (Basque)
Julene  (Latin)
Jules  (Greek)
Variant of Julius: Downy. Hairy. Derived from the Clan Name of Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Jules  (French)
Julesa  (Latin)
Juli  (Latin)
Julia  (Latin)
Downy-cheeked, Dazzling, Amorous, Superficial. (Julie, Julietre, Julietta, Juliane, Julianne)
Julian  (Latin)
Belonging to Julius (Julio, Halian)
Juliana  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a Poem
Julianna  (Slavic)
From the Name Julia and Anne
Julianne  (Latin)
Downy Grace. A Compound of the Names Julie and Anne. Also Can Be Interpreted As the Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child
Juliano  (Spanish)
Jove's Child
1539 names found for "J"   (page 29 of 31) 

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Additional Names

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