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Baby names beginning with "L"

1517 names found for "L"   (page 2 of 31) 

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Lacyann  (English)
Derived from Lacey Which is a French Nobleman's Surname Brought to British Isles After Norman Conquest
Lad  (English)
Lada  (Slavic)
Goddess of Love and Fertility
Ladbroc  (English)
Lives by the Path by the Brook
Ladd  (English)
Ladde  (English)
Laddie  (English)
Ladislas  (Slavic)
Good Ruler
Ladon  (Greek)
Dragon of Hera
Ladonna  (Spanish)
The Woman
Laec  (English)
Lives Near Water
Laefertun  (English)
From the Rush Farm
Lael  (Biblical)
To God, to the Mighty
Lael  (Hebrew)
Belonging to God. Traditional Male Biblical Name
Laertes  (Greek)
Father of Odysseus
Laestrygones  (Greek)
A Tribe of Giants
Laetitia  (Latin)
Great Joy. Variant of Letitia
Lafayette  (French)
Surname. at the Age of the French Nobleman Marquis De Lafayette Went to Fight for Four Years in the American Revolution
Lafeu  (Shakespearean)
'All's Well That Ends Well.' an Old Lord
Lage  (Swedish)
From the Sea
Lagmann  (Norse)
Lahad  (Biblical)
Praising, to Confess
Lahad  (Biblical)
Praising, to Confess
Lahairoi  (Biblical)
Who Liveth and Seeth Me
Lahairoi  (Biblical)
Who Liveth and Seeth Me
Lahela  (Hawaiian)
Innocent Lamb
Lahmam  (Biblical)
Their Bread, Their War
Lahmam  (Biblical)
Their Bread, Their War
Lahmi  (Biblical)
My Bread, My War
Laibrook  (English)
Lives by the Path by the Brook
Laidley  (English)
From the Creek Meadow
Laidly  (English)
From the Creek Meadow
Laila  (Arabic)
Born at Night
Lailaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Layla: Night. Born at Night. Sweetheart
Lailah  (Muslim)
Variant of Layla: Night. Born at Night. Sweetheart
Laili  (Hebrew)
Lailie  (Hebrew)
Lailoken  (Arthurian Legend)
A Fool
Laina  (English)
Path; Roadway. Variant of Surnames Lane and Laine
Laine  (English)
From the Long Meadow
Laine  (English)
The Narrow Road. Origin: Middle English
Laine  (English)
Path; Roadway. Variant of Surnames Lane and Laine
Lainey  (American)
Bright Light
Lainie  (Scottish)
Serves John
Lair  (Scottish)
Laird  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Head of Household
Laire  (Scottish)
Lairgnen  (Celtic)
Of Connaught
Lais  (Indian)
Lais  (Greek)
Favorite Name With Poets
1517 names found for "L"   (page 2 of 31) 

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Additional Names

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