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Baby names beginning with "M"

2853 names found for "M"   (page 8 of 58) 

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Magog  (Biblical)
Covering, Roof, Dissolving
Magor-missabib  (Biblical)
Fear on Every Side
Magor-missabib  (Biblical)
Fear on Every Side
Magpiash  (Biblical)
A Body Thrust Hard Together
Magpiash  (Biblical)
A Body Thrust Hard Together
Maguire  (Gaelic)
Son of the Beige One (Mcguire, Mcgwire)
Maha  (African)
Beautiful Eyes
Mahabahu  (Hindu)
Very Strong Person
Mahabala  (Indian)
great strength
Mahadev  (Indian)
most powerful god
Mahadevi  (Indian)
Great Goddess
Mahadevs  (Hindu)
Great God
Mahakala  (Indian)
Forms of Shiva
Mahal  (All Nationalities)
Mahala  (Arabic)
Mahalah  (Biblical)
Sickness, a Company of Dancers, a Harp
Mahalah  (Arabic)
Narrow, Tender
Mahalath  (Biblical)
Sickness, a Company of Dancers, a Harp
Mahaleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God
Mahaleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God
Mahali  (Biblical)
Infirmity, a Harp, Pardon
Mahali  (Biblical)
Infirmity, a Harp, Pardon
Mahalia  (American)
Mahalingam  (Hindu)
Maham  (Islamic)
Full Moon
Mahamari  (Indian)
Mahan  (Hindu)
Mahanaim  (Biblical)
Tents, Two Fields, Two Armies
Mahanaim  (Biblical)
Tents, Two Fields, Two Armies
Mahanehdan  (Biblical)
Tents of Judgment
Mahanehdan  (Biblical)
Tents of Judgment
Mahanem  (Biblical)
A Comforter
Mahanem  (Biblical)
A Comforter
Mahanidhi  (Hindu)
Great Treasure
Mahant  (Hindu)
Great Soul
Mahantesh  (Hindu)
God, Great Soul
Mahapadma  (Hindu)
One of Kubera's Nine Treasures
Maharai  (Biblical)
Hasting, a Hill, from a Hill
Maharai  (Biblical)
Hasting, a Hill, from a Hill
Mahari  (African)
Mahari  (African)
One Who Forgives
Mahatapaswi  (Hindu)
Great Sage
Mahatejaswi  (Hindu)
Very Bright Person
Mahath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Mahath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Mahault  (Dutch)
Dutch Form of Matilda
Mahaveer  (Hindu)
Jain Guru
Mahavir  (Indian)
most courageous among men
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
2853 names found for "M"   (page 8 of 58) 

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Additional Names

Egon | Mikki | Alphonsa | Aroer | Greid | Amberam | Melwas | Wolcott | DeWitt | Deanna | Esme | Fenuku | Eveline | Herdis | Aescwyn |