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Baby names beginning with "N"

1295 names found for "N"   (page 19 of 26) 

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Nikos  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nikshep  (Hindu)
Nikson  (English)
Son of Nick
Nikunj  (Hindu)
A Bower
Nila  (Indian)
Nila  (Latin)
From the Nile
Nilagagan  (Hindu)
Blue Sky
Nilalochan  (Hindu)
One With Blue Eyes
Nilam  (Muslim)
Blue Gem. Precious Stone
Nilamegh  (Hindu)
Blue Cloud
Nilaratan  (Hindu)
Blue Gem
Nilay  (Indian)
Nile  (Egyptian)
From the Nile
Nilea  (Latin)
From the Nile
Niles  (English)
Champion. Form of Niall
Nilesh  (Indian)
Krishna, blue god
Nili  (Hebrew)
Pea Plant
Nili  (Hebrew)
Nilia  (Latin)
From the Nile
Nilima  (Hindu)
Nilo  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nilofar  (Muslim)
Lotus. Water Lily
Nilos  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nilothpal  (Hindu)
Blue Lotus
Niloufer  (Hindu)
From the Heavens
Nils  (Scandinavian)
Nilsen  (Scandinavian)
Victorious; Conquerer of the People. Variant of Nicholas
Nimat  (Muslim)
Blessing(S). Loan(S)
Nimayak  (Hindu)
Lord of Gem
Nimeesha  (African)
Nimi  (Hindu)
Rama's Ancestor
Nimiane  (Arthurian Legend)
The Lady of the Lake
Nimrah  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrah  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrim  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrim  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrod  (Hebrew)
Nimshi  (Biblical)
Rescued from Danger
Nimue  (Arthurian Legend)
The Lady of the Lake
Nin  (Hebrew)
Nina  (English)
Favor; Grace. Variant of Ann or Anne: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain in the Th Century
Ninacska  (Hebrew)
Ninad  (Hindu)
Ninette  (French)
Nineve  (Arthurian Legend)
The Lady of the Lake
Nineveh  (Biblical)
Handsome, Agreeable
Nineveh  (Biblical)
Handsome, Agreeable
Ning  (Chinese)
Peace, Rest, Tranquility
Ning  (Chinese)
Peace, Rest, Tranquility
Ninian  (Welsh)
St. Ninian Was a Th Century Bishop Sent to Scotland to Convert the Picts to Christianity
1295 names found for "N"   (page 19 of 26) 

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Additional Names

Janica | Sachita | Heshbon | Braydon | Milton | Izabella | Rand | Deidra | Carmine | Tory | Minor | Rosabelle | Clementius | Kenriek | Paulos |