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Baby names beginning with "T"

1719 names found for "T"   (page 15 of 35) 

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Terrin  (English)
Terran Means 'Earthman.' Variants are Contemporary Rhyming Blends of Ter- Plus Darin
Terrin  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Terris  (English)
Son of Terrell
Terris  (Latin)
Tender, Good Gracious
Terriss  (Irish)
Son of Terrence
Terron  (English)
Blend of Terrance and Darren (Darren, Taran, Terran)
Terrwyn  (Welsh)
Terry  (English)
Abbreviation of Terrance and Terrell. Terry is Also an Anglicized Phonetic Form of the French Given Name Thierry from an Older Germanic Name Meaning 'Powerful; Ruler of the People.'
Terry  (Latin)
From the Name Terence
Terry  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Terryal  (American)
Terryn  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Terrys  (English)
Son of Terrell
Tertia  (Latin)
Born Third
Tertius  (Greek)
The Third
Tertius  (Biblical)
Tertullus  (Biblical)
Tertullus  (Biblical)
Tervedayia  (African)
Outstanding, Pretty
Teryl  (English)
Bright and Vivacious
Teryn  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Teryysone  (English)
Son of Terrell
Terza  (Italian)
Born Third
Tesar  (Czechoslovakian)
Teshi  (African)
Cheerful, Full of Laughter
Tesia  (Polish)
Tess  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Tessa  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Tessia  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Tessica  (American)
Wealthy Harvester
Tessie  (English)
Abbreviation of Teresa, Meaning Harvester
Tethys  (Latin)
Daughter of Gaea
Tetrarch  (Biblical)
Governor of a Fourth Part
Tetrarch  (Biblical)
Governor of a Fourth Part
Tetsu  (Japanese)
Tetty  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Teucer  (Greek)
An Archer
Teuthras  (Greek)
King of Mysia
Teva  (Hebrew)
Teva  (Scottish)
Tevel  (Yiddish)
Dearly Loved
Tevin  (Irish)
Variant of the Word 'Teeve' Meaning Hillside
Tevin  (African American)
Son of Kevin
Tevis  (Irish)
Variant of the Word 'Teeve' Meaning Hillside
Tevy  (Cambodian)
Tewdwr  (Welsh)
God's Gift
Tex  (English)
Derived from the U.S. State of Texas
Tex  (American)
From Texas
Teyen  (English)
From the Enclosure
Teyo  (Spanish)
God. Abbreviation of Names Like Mateo and Teodor
1719 names found for "T"   (page 15 of 35) 

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