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Baby names beginning with "Y"

334 names found for "Y"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Yori  (Japanese)
Yori  (Japanese)
Yorick  (Danish)
Farmer (York)
York  (English)
From the Bear Estate
York  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Duchess of York, Mother to King Edward Iv
Yoruba  (African)
People in Nigeria
Yoseba  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Yosebe  (Basque)
God Will Add
Yosef  (Hebrew)
Form of Joseph
Yosefu  (Hebrew)
From the Name Joseph
Yosepha  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Yosephina  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Yoshe  (Japanese)
A Beauty
Yoshi  (Japanese)
Goodness, Luck
Yoshi  (Japanese)
Good,The Respectful (Yoshiko)
Yoshiko  (Japanese)
Good (Yoshi)
Yoshino  (Japanese)
Good, Fertile Field
Yoshiro  (Japanese)
Good Son
Yoskolo  (American)
Breaking Off Sugar-pine Cones
Yotimo  (American)
Yellow Jacket Carrying Pieces of Meat from a House to Its Nest
Yovela  (Hebrew)
Full of Joy
Yrre  (Anglo Saxon)
Ysabel  (Italian)
Italian Form of Isabel: Conseacrated to God
Ysabelle  (Italian)
Italian Form of Isabel: Conseacrated to God
Ysbaddaden  (Arthurian Legend)
A Giant
Ysbail  (Welsh)
Ysberin  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Fflergant
Yseult  (Celtic)
Ysgawyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Panon
Ysolde  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Tristan
Yspaddaden  (Celtic)
Mythical Father of Olwyn
Yu  (Chinese)
Either 'Jade' or 'Honour' or 'Happy' or 'Rain'
Yu  (Chinese)
Either 'Jade' or 'Honour' or 'Happy' or 'Rain'
Yu  (Chinese)
Jie Pure, Beautiful Jade
Yudhajit  (Indian)
victor in war
Yudhisthir  (Indian)
firm in battle
Yue  (Chinese)
Yuhudit  (Hebrew)
Yuki  (Japanese)
Snow or Luck
Yuki  (Japanese)
Snow (Yukie)
Yukiko  (Japanese)
Snow Child (Born in December)
Yukio  (Japanese)
Gets What He Wants
Yuko  (Japanese)
Gracious Child
Yul  (Chinese)
Beyond the Horizon (Yule)
Yule  (English)
Born at Christmas
Yule  (English)
Of Christmastime
Yule  (Norse)
Born During Yule
Yulene  (Latin)
Yulenka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Julia: Youthful
Yulenke  (Latin)
334 names found for "Y"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Millie | Nuallan | Orland | Ario | Erik | Kristof | Jehiah | Viktor | Anlienisse | Vinue | Pamelina | Priyavrat | Gilleonan | Astynome | Salvador |