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Meaning of the Name Abbot

The first name Abbot is of English, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Abbey Father
Hebrew: Father

Similar Names

Abboid | Abbott | Abbud |

Related Names

Abban  (Irish)
Abbotson  (Hebrew)
Son of Abbot
Abbott  (English)
Abbey Father
Abbott  (Hebrew)
Adamnan  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of an Abbot
Albinus  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of an Abbot
Brendan  (Irish)
Prince. Some Scholars Believe Brendan Means 'stinking Hair' Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbot St Brendan Founded a Monastery at Clonfert in County Galway; Then is Said to Have Sailed Across the At
Bud  (English)
Derived from Bud, a Colloquial Term of Address Used in the United States; Short for Buddy, Meaning Friend. Common As a Nickname, But Less Common As a First Name. American Comedian Bud Abbott's Real Na
Ceolfrith  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of an Abbot
Columba  (Latin)
Dove. Famous Bearer, Th Century Irish Abbot and Missionary St Columba Converted the Inhabitants of Scotland and Northern England to Christianity
Columbina  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Columba: Dove. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbot and Missionary St Columba Converted the Inhabitants of Scotland and Northern England to Christianity
Columbine  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Columba: Dove. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbot and Missionary St Columba Converted the Inhabitants of Scotland and Northern England to Christianity
Duncan  (English)
Brown Warrior; an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Donnchadh (Brown Warrior). The Name Was Borne by a 7th-century Saint Who Was Abbot of the Monastery on the Isle of Lona. Pet Names: Dunky
Mac an Aba  (Gaelic)
Son of the Father or Abbott
MacNab  (Scottish)
Son of the Abbot
MacNab  (Gaelic)
Son of the Father or Abbott
Nab  (Scottish)
Philibert  (French)
French Derivitive of the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright. Famous Bearer: Th Century French Abbot St Philibert
Westminster  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Abbot of Westminster

Additional Names

Dakota | Birkett | Melise | Taite | Cory | Alva | Kate | Francisco | Inghinn | Kimbrough | Zelda | Zimra | Alain | Colman | Blade |