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Names That Mean Abda

70 names found for "Abda"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Abda? We couldn't find the exact name Abda, but listed below are some first names meaning Abda or names similar to the word Abda.

Similar Names

Abd | Abdi | Abduh | Abed | Abid | Abidah | Abida |

Related Names

Abder Razi  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Raziq: Servant of the Provider
Abder Razza  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Raziq: Servant of the Provider
Abdul Aziz  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Aziz: Servant of the Mighty One
Abdul Hamid  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Hamid: Servant of the Praiseworthy One
Abdul Jabir  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Jabir: Servant of the Comforter
Abdul Lafif  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Lafif: Servant of the Kind One
Abdul Magid  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Majid: Servant of the Glorious One
Abdul Majid  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Majid: Servant of the Glorious One
Abdul Medjid  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Majid: Servant of the Glorious One
Abdul Mejid  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Majid: Servant of the Glorious One
Abdul Muhsen  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Muhsin: Servant of the Charitable One
Abdul Qader  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Qadir: Servant of the Capable
Abdul Rahim  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Rahim: Servant of the Compassionate
Abdul Rahman  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Rahman: Servant of the Merciful
Abdul Salam  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Salam: Servant of Peace
Abdulla  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Abdullah  (Islamic)
Servant of Allah. (Abdallah)
Abdullah  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Abdur Razzaq  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Raziq: Servant of the Provider
Abdus Salam  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Salam: Servant of Peace

Additional Names

Jemmy | Margie | Pratibha | Tamyra | Meriel | Hyades | Dix | Bo | Wegland | Heywood | Quentin | Moina | Hwithloew | Biminak | Hestia |