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Names That Mean Able

505 names found for "Able"   (page 5 of 11) 

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Looking for names that mean Able? We couldn't find the exact name Able, but listed below are some first names meaning Able or names similar to the word Able.

Similar Names

Abel | Abela | Abell | Abiel | Ablah |

Related Names

Dogberry  (Shakespearean)
'Much Ado About Nothing' a Constable
Dorcas  (Greek)
Gazelle. Famous Bearer: the New Testament Dorcas Who 'Abounded in Good Deeds and Gifts of Mercy, ' Was a Charitable Woman Raised from the Dead by St Peter
Dull  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Constable
Durga  (Hindu)
Dyre  (Norse)
Valuable; Dear
Edwina  (English)
Valuable Friend
Egan  (Teutonic)
Egon  (Danish)
Egon  (Teutonic)
Ehren  (German)
Elbow  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' a Simple Constable
Emily  (Teutonic)
Work, Animated, Capable, Persevering
Emims  (Biblical)
Fears; Terrors; Formidable; People
Emims  (Biblical)
Fears; Terrors; Formidable; People
Eneas  (Biblical)
Eneas  (Biblical)
Epaphroditus  (Biblical)
Agreeable, Handsome
Epaphroditus  (Biblical)
Agreeable, Handsome
Epenetus  (Biblical)
Laudable, Worthy of Praise
Epenetus  (Biblical)
Laudable, Worthy of Praise
Ephesus  (Biblical)
Ephesus  (Biblical)
Eraman  (German)
Eramana  (German)
Erastus  (Biblical)
Lovely, Amiable
Erek  (Polish)
Eric  (Scandinavian)
Honorable Ruler
Erica  (Scandinavian)
Honorable Ruler
Erik  (Scandinavian)
Honorable Ruler
Eryk  (Polish)
Erysichthon  (Greek)
Cursed With an Insatiable Hunger That Caused His Death
Esau  (Hebrew)
Hairy, Dominating, Capable, Conventional, Seldom Popular With Women
Eugene  (Greek)
Well-born, Proud, Honourable, Inclined to Laziness
Eustachy  (Polish)
Steady; Stable
Evan  (Celtic)
Young Warrior, Stalwart, Brave, Reliable, Possesses Great Charm of Manner
Fabyan  (Latin)
One Who Sows Beans (Faber, Fable, Fabian)
Fadl  (Muslim)
Outstanding. Honorable
Ferdinand  (Teutonic)
Adventuring Life, Prudent, Imaginative, Changeable
Frederica  (Teutonic)
Peace-ruler, Peace-loving, Passionate, Reliable
Gabe  (Hebrew)
God's Able-bodied One. Variant of Gabriel
Gabi  (English)
Variant of Gabriela. God's Able-bodied One
Gabrian  (Hebrew)
God's Able-bodied One. Variant of Gabriel
Gabriel  (Hebrew)
Man of God. God's Able-bodied One. Famous Bearer: the Archangel Gabriel, Who Appears Several Times in the Bible
Gabriela  (Latin)
God's Able-bodied One. Feminine of Gabriel
Gabriela  (Hebrew)
God's Able-bodied One. Feminine of Gabriel
Gabriele  (German)
God's Able-bodied One. Feminine of Gabriel
Gabriell  (English)
Variant of Gabriela. God's Able-bodied One
Gaby  (English)
Variant of Gabriela. God's Able-bodied One
Galilahi  (Native American)
Ganya  (Hindu)
Notable,Important Man
505 names found for "Able"   (page 5 of 11) 

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Additional Names

Rollie | Destina | Didar | Dante | Tomislaw | Twain | Manju | Aodan | Morrissey | Varun | Igraine | Mehala | Dariel | Keriam | Deepak |