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Meaning of the Name Absalom

The first name Absalom is of Biblical, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Father of Peace
Hebrew: Father of Peace, Bold,Cunning,Passionate, Seldom a Man of Peace
Hebrew: Father of Peace. in the Bible Absalom Son of King David Was Renowned for Handsome Appearance and Ability to Win Loyalty and Allegiance

Similar Names

Abesaloma | Abishalom | Absalon | Absolom | Absolon | Avsalom | Avshalom |

Related Names

Absalon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Absalom: Father of Peace; Handsome Prince
Tamra  (Hebrew)
Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom
Tamra  (Russian)
Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom
Tamryn  (Russian)
Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom
Tamryn  (Hebrew)
Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom
Tamryn  (Russian)
Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom

Additional Names

Jermaine | Ben | Adila | Halloesh | Viljo | Agrippina | Mai | Tomos | Else | Wahkan | Harme | Fritjof | Sheariah | Marchman | Debbie |