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Names That Mean Adam

99 names found for "Adam"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Adam? We couldn't find the exact name Adam, but listed below are some first names meaning Adam or names similar to the word Adam.

Similar Names

Aadam | Adamah | Adamh | Adami | Adamu | Adamya | Adan | Addam | Adem | Aden |

Related Names

Addy  (Hebrew)
Son of Adam: Man of the Red Earth
Adhamh  (Hebrew)
Son of Adam: Man of the Red Earth
Adhamh  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Adam
Adhamhnan  (Gaelic)
Diminutive Form of Adhamh, Hence, 'Little Adam'
Adhamhnan  (Irish)
Variant of Adamnan: Little Adam
Adnet  (Hebrew)
Son of Adam: Man of the Red Earth
Adnot  (Hebrew)
Son of Adam: Man of the Red Earth
Adonica  (American)
From Adam and Monica
Almaas  (Muslim)
Variant of Almas: Diamond. Adamant
Almas  (Muslim)
Diamond. Adamant
Ava  (Latin)
Variant of Eva: Living One. The Latin Form of the Hebrew Eve. Famous Bearers: Evangeline, Adolf Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Awnan  (Irish)
Little Adam
Briano  (Celtic)
Variant of Brian: Brave; Virtuous. Famous Bearers: Canadian Singer Brian Adams and British Singer Bryan Ferry
Eden  (Hebrew)
Perfect, Pleasure, Delight. Famous Reference: the Biblical Garden of Eden, First Home of Adam and Eve
Edenia  (Spanish)
Pleasure. from the Hebrew Eden Which Was the Gardenlike Biblical First Home of Adam and Eve in the Bible
Enos  (Hebrew)
Man. The Old Testament Enos Was a Grandson of Adam and Eve
Eva  (Latin)
Living One. The Latin Form of the Hebrew Eve. Famous Bearers: Evangeline, Adolf Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Eva  (Hebrew)
Life. Living One. Variant of Eve. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Eve  (Latin)
Living One. Famous Bearer: the Biblical Eve, Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evetta  (Hebrew)
Living One. Variant of Eve. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evetta  (Latin)
Living One. Variant of Eve. Famous Bearer: the Biblical Eve, Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evette  (Latin)
Living One. Variant of Eve. Famous Bearer: the Biblical Eve, Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evette  (Hebrew)
Living One. Variant of Eve. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evia  (Latin)
Living One. Variant of Eve. Famous Bearer: the Biblical Eve, Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evia  (Hebrew)
Living One. Variant of Eve. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Eviana  (Latin)
Living One. Variant of Eve. Famous Bearer: the Biblical Eve, Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Eviana  (Hebrew)
Living One. Variant of Eve. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evita  (Latin)
Living One. Variant of Eve. Famous Bearer: the Biblical Eve, Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Evita  (Hebrew)
Living One. Variant of Eve. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Fitz Adam  (English)
Son of Adam
Fitzadam  (English)
Son of Adam
Jagadamba  (Hindu)
Mother of the World
Jagadamba  (Indian)
mother of the world
Kadamba  (Hindu)
Name of a Dynasty
Lilith  (Hebrew)
Night Monster. Storm Goddess. in Jewish Folklore, Lilith Was a Female Demon and First Wife of Adam
Mac Adhaimh  (Gaelic)
Son of Adam
MacAdam  (Gaelic)
Son of Adam
MacAdhaimh  (Gaelic)
Son of Adam
MacAdhamh  (Scottish)
Son of Adam
Madonna  (Italian)
My Lady. Respectful Form of Address Similar to the French 'Madame.' Used to Signify Virgin Mary or Art Depicting Her As a Mother
MaeAdam  (Scottish)
Son of Adam
Nerth  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cadam
Quincy  (Latin)
Born Fifth. Famous Bearer: U.S. President John Quincy Adams (-)
Radames  (Egyptian)
Egyptian Hero of Puccini's Opera Aida
Rhadamanthus  (Latin)
Underworld Judge
Rhadamanthus  (Greek)
A Judge in the Underworld
Sarvadaman  (Hindu)
Who Can Conquer Everything
Seth  (Hebrew)
Appointed; Derived from Sheth. The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Third Son of Adam and Eve. He Was Born After the Death of His Brother Abel. (Seeth)
Seth  (Hebrew)
Anointed; Compensation. Seth Was the Third Son of Adam and Eve. Eve Considered Him to Be a Replacement for Her Dead Son, Abel
99 names found for "Adam"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Lee | Kate | Cein | Orquidia | Verda | Den | Halstead | Amalie | Isahella | Cuinn | Theora | Amphiaraus | Zenevieva | Miquel | Wilhelm |