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Meaning of the Name Adami

The first name Adami is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: My Man; Red; Earthy; Human

Similar Names

Aadam | Adam | Adamah | Adamh | Adamu | Adamya | Adan | Addam | Adem | Adham |

Related Names

Adamik  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamina  (Hebrew)
Daughter of Red Earth; Feminine Form of Adam
Adamina  (Hebrew)
Feminine of Adam, Meaning Red, a Reference to Either the Red Skin or the Red Earth from Which the Old Testament Adam Was Created (Genesis :)
Adamina  (Latin)
Of the Red Earth
Adamina  (Hebrew)
The Earth

Additional Names

Garner | Diedre | Alissa | Clayton | Noeline | Joann | Tobyn | Pavlov | Randolph | Tab | Giovanna | Kinnon | Amorette | Balera | Darius |