The first name Adrian is of Latin, English, Irish, Shakespearean, German, Swedish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):
Latin: Artistic,Soulful,Frugal, Unambitious,Writer or Musician
Latin: Black; Dark; of the Adriatic
English: From the Latin Hadrianus Meaning of Adria or of the Adriatic Sea Region. Pope Adrian Iv Was a Century British Pope Who Became Popular in the S When Sue Townsend Published 'The Secret Diary of Adrian M
Irish: Of the Adriatic
Latin: Of the Adriatic
Shakespearean: 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' a Volscian. 'The Tempest' a Lord
De Armado(Shakespearean) 'Love's Labours Lost' Don Adriano De Armado, Fantastical Spaniard
Hadrian(Latin) From 'Hadrianus' Meaning of Adria or 'Of the Adriatic. Also 'Dark, ' a Variant of Adrian. Famous Bearer: Roman Emperor Hadrian Ordered the Famous Hadrian's Wall Be Built Across Northern England