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Meaning of the Name Aegidius

The first name Aegidius is of Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: A Latin Name Based on the Greek Word for Kid or Goatskin

Similar Names

Aegisthus |

Related Names

Egidia  (Latin)
A Form of Aegidius, a Latin Name Based on the Greek Word for Kid or Goatskin
Egidius  (Latin)
A Form of Aegidius, a Latin Name Based on the Greek Word for Kid or Goatskin
Giles  (English)
An English Variant of the Latin Name Aegidius, Meaning Kid or Goatskin. Famous Bearer: the Sixth Century Hermit St Giles Was Patron Saint of Cripples and Beggars
Gyles  (English)
An English Variant of the Latin Name Aegidius, Meaning Kid or Goatskin

Additional Names

Alun | Anika | Shikhin | Ohcumgache | Sefton | Frankie | Terentia | Honey | Bebhinn | Gavrilla | Farren | Mickey | Rashid | Emrik | Anise |