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Meaning of the Name Aethelstan

The first name Aethelstan is of Anglo Saxon origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Anglo Saxon: Name of a King

Similar Names

Aethelisdun | Aethelstun | Athelstan | Athelston |

Related Names

Atheistan  (English)
From the Old English Aethelstan Meaning Noble Stone. Atheistan Was an Anglo-saxon King. Sir Walter Scott Used the Name Atheistan in His Novel Ivanhoe

Additional Names

Marguerite | Jazeel | Raktavira | Felita | Abdul Raheem | Octaviana | Shenir | Quinty | Mercutio | Rez | Avanish | Jewel | Selena | Tapi | Mika |