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Meaning of the Name Agata

The first name Agata is of Greek, Irish, Italian, Swedish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Beneficient One
Greek: Good
Irish: Kind
Italian: Kind
Swedish: Pure

Similar Names

Agastya | Ajath | Augate | Agate | Agatha | Agathe | Agathi | Agda | Agdta | Agotha |

Related Names

Agatha  (Irish)
Good (Agata)
Tathagata  (Indian)
Walks the Straightway

Additional Names

Bree | Messena | Qaa'im | Jamal | Phlegon | Caimile | Marcus | Elan | Caroline | Agi | Calypso | Delores | Modeste | Flower | Faith |