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Meaning of the Name Ahaz

The first name Ahaz is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: One That Takes or Possesses

Similar Names

Achak | Achaz | Aga | Agag | Agha | Aja | Ajax | Ajay | Aqa | Asa |

Related Names

Ahaziah  (Biblical)
Seizure; Vision of the Lord
Ahaziah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achazya: God Has Taken
Ahaziahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achazya: God Has Taken
Jahaz  (Biblical)
Quarrel, Dispute
Jahaz  (Biblical)
Quarrel, Dispute
Jahazah  (Biblical)
Quarrel, Dispute
Jahazah  (Biblical)
Quarrel, Dispute
Jahaziah  (Biblical)
The Vision of the Lord
Jahaziah  (Biblical)
The Vision of the Lord
Jahaziel  (Biblical)
Seeing God
Jahaziel  (Biblical)
Seeing God
Jehoahaz  (Biblical)
Possession of the Lord
Joahaz  (Biblical)
Apprehending, Possessing, Seeing
Mahaz  (Biblical)
An End, Ending, Growing Hope
Mahaz  (Biblical)
An End, Ending, Growing Hope
Mahazioth  (Biblical)
Seeing a Sign, Seeing a Letter

Additional Names

Gyasi | Eadwardsone | Luvenia | Ramos | Khaliq | Apollo | Bernardo | Quint | Davin | Sandro | Beartlaidh | Eustacia | Cormac | Lily | Joyceanne |