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Meaning of the Name Albany

The first name Albany is of Scottish, English, Shakespearean, Latin, Irish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Derived from a Former Name for Northern Scotland
English: From Albany (The City)
Shakespearean: 'Tragedy of King Lear' Duke of Albany
Latin: Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White. St Alban Was Britain's First Martyr
Irish: White,Fair
Latin: White Hill

Similar Names

Alban | Albano | Albin | Alebana | Alvan | Albana | Albina |

Additional Names

Eldrid | Mahalah | Saumya | Colbert | Dobry | Draupnir | Berdy | Bertrand | Leilah | Krystyn | Jawad | Blackburn | Cecily | Camila | Dorie |