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Meaning of the Name Alea

The first name Alea is of Israeli origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Israeli: Immigrant to a New Home

Similar Names

Al | Ala | Alaa | Alai | Alao | Ali | All | Ally | Alo | Auley |

Related Names

Aleah  (Israeli)
Immigrant to a New Home
Aleana  (Israeli)
Immigrant to a New Home
Amalea  (Latin)
Hard Working
Amalea  (Italian)
Hard Working
Ardaleah  (English)
From the Home Lover's Meadow
Azalea  (Latin)
Name of Flower
Azalea  (Hebrew)
Azalea  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Azalea  (Latin)
Dry Earth; Dry. A Flower Name
Braleah  (English)
From the Hillslope Meadow
Caralea  (Latin)
Faleaka  (Polynesian)
Plant House
Galea  (English)
Festive Party
Glaleanna  (Irish)
Dwells in the Glen
Hagaleah  (English)
From the Hedged Meadow
Hagalean  (English)
From the Hedged Enclosure
Kalea  (American)
Bright, Clear
Maleah  (Hawaiian)
Maleah  (Hawaiian)
Bitter. Origin: Hawaiin
Oxnaleah  (English)
From the Ox Enclosure
Raleah  (English)
From the Roe Deer Meadow

Additional Names

Leatrix | Jenice | Brandubh | Moriah | Radorm | Khalidah | Edmondo | Pfeostun | Aesir | Elivina | Eric | Kevis | Pascoe | Pramit | Corwynn |