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Meaning of the Name Aled

The first name Aled is of Welsh origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Welsh: Offspring

Similar Names

Ahlad | Ald | Aldo | Alda | Aldea | Aleda | Aleta | Alida | Alta | Aluld |

Related Names

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Aleda  (German)
Aleda  (Latin)
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Aleda  (English)
Aledwen  (Welsh)
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Alida  (English)
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Ardon  (Biblical)
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Caledonia  (Latin)
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CaledvwIch  (Welsh)
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Joziah  (Hebrew)
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Rafael  (Hebrew)
God Has Healed
Rafael  (Spanish)
God Has Healed
Rafaele  (Italian)
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Rafaello  (Italian)
God Has Healed
Rafe  (Spanish)
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Rafe  (Hebrew)
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Raphael  (Italian)
God Has Healed
Raphael  (Hebrew)
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Tammuz  (Biblical)
Abstruse, Concealed, Consumed
Valeda  (Latin)
Zephaniah  (Hebrew)
The Lord Has Concealed; the Lord Has Protected; Treasured by God

Additional Names

Dina | Pavla | Reece | Ines | Cristian | Jiang | Lamarr | Peterson | Pergamos | Baber | Vernados | Jaeger | Iman | Jamila | Nelson |