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Names That Mean Alen

296 names found for "Alen"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Alen? We couldn't find the exact name Alen, but listed below are some first names meaning Alen or names similar to the word Alen.

Similar Names

Ailean | Ailein | Ailen | Ailin | Alain | Alam | Alan | Alano | Alawn | Aleem |

Related Names

Lut  (Muslim)
The Biblical Lot is the English Language Equivalent
Madalen  (Basque)
Woman of Magdala (Maialen, Malen, Matxalen)
Madalen  (Hebrew)
From the Tower
Madalena  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madalene  (French)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Maddalen  (German)
Maddalena  (German)
Maddalene  (German)
Madeline  (Hebrew)
Woman from Magdala (Maddy, Madelon, Madelyn, Madelene, Magda, Magdalena)
Magda  (Slavic)
Abbreviation of Magdalena.Woman from Magdala. Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene
Magda  (German)
German Diminutive of Magdalene: Woman of Magdala. 'Maiden'. Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene
Magdalen  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalen  (Hebrew)
Of Magdala, Passionate, Truthful, Skilful
Magdalen  (Greek)
High Tower
Magdalen  (Hebrew)
From the Tower
Magdalen  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Woman from Magdala
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Magdalena  (Hebrew)
From the Tower
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalene  (Biblical)
A Person from Magdala
Magdalene  (Hebrew)
Woman of Magdala. from the Tower. Famous Bearer: St. Mary Magdalene, the Repentant Prostitute in the New Testament
Magdalene  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalene  (Latin)
Woman from Magdala
Magdalene  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalene  (Biblical)
A Person from Magdala
Maialen  (Hebrew)
From the Tower
Maidie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Mair  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Maire  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Maisie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Malena  (Scandinavian)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Malena  (Swedish)
From the Tower
Malene  (German)
Malene  (Swedish)
From the Tower
Mamie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Marlene  (English)
A Compound of Maria and Magdalene. Variant of Madeline. Woman from Magdala. Famous Bearer: Film Star Marlene Dietrich
Mary  (Hebrew)
Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Matxalen  (Hebrew)
From the Tower
Meekaa'eel  (Muslim)
Variant of Mikael: the Biblical Michael is the English Language Equivalent
Mikaa'il  (Muslim)
Variant of Mikael: the Biblical Michael is the English Language Equivalent
Mikael  (Muslim)
The Biblical Michael is the English Language Equivalent
Modlen  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Magdalene: Tower
Moosa  (Muslim)
Variant of Musa: the Biblical Moses is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Musa  (Muslim)
The Biblical Moses is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Nathanael  (Hebrew)
Gift of God, Another Form is Nathaniel, Talented, Inspired, Impulsive
Nikka  (Trinidadian)
Talented, and Smart
Nooh  (Muslim)
Variant of Nuh: the Biblical Noah is the English Language Equivalent
296 names found for "Alen"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Wilano | Charity | Keturah | Sadbh | Bardol | Caswallon | Clementia | Derek | Season | Erith | Evans | Quartus | Ermintrude | Caralisa | Leia |