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Names That Mean Aler

117 names found for "Aler"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Aler? We couldn't find the exact name Aler, but listed below are some first names meaning Aler or names similar to the word Aler.

Similar Names

Alair | Alerio | Alera | Aleria | Alura |

Related Names

Jayr  (Greek)
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Addition, Alert, Successful, Passionate. Fern. of Joseph (Joe, Joey, Joline, Joleen, Jolene, Josee, Josey, Josie, Josephina, Josy)
Kacee  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kaci  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kacia  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kacie  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kacy  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kaesha  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kasey  (Irish)
Variant of Casey: Observant; Alert; Vigorous
Kasey  (English)
Alert. Vigorous. Modern Variant of Casey
Kasia  (English)
Alert, Vigorous. Modern Variant of Casey
Kasia  (English)
Alert. Vigorous. Modern Variant of Casey
Kasie  (Irish)
Alert. Vigorous. Modern Variant of Casey
Kayce  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Kaycee  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Kayci  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Kaycie  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K.C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous.'
Kaycie  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Lee  (Celtic)
Leigh  (Celtic)
Levi  (Hebrew)
Joining, Business-like, Alert, Generous, One of the 12 Tribes of Israel
Mallory  (French)
Lacking Good Fortune (Mal, Malorie, Maleri, Malory, Mallerie)
Olga  (Teutonic)
Holy, Alert, Sentimental, Optimistic. She is Very Lucky in All Her Affairs
R'phael  (Hebrew)
God's Healer
Rafal  (Hebrew)
God's Healer
Rafela  (Hebrew)
Raphael  (Hebrew)
God Heals; God's Healer. Raphael Was Also the Name of One of the Archangels, As Mentioned in the Apocrypha. Famous Bearer: Renaissance Painter Raphael (Raffaelo Santi)
Raphaella  (Hebrew)
Reseda  (Latin)
Reselda  (Latin)
Rosemary  (Latin)
Sea-dew, Passionate, Alert, Unaffected
Salerio  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonio and Bassanio
Sophia  (Greek)
Wisdom, Wise, Alert, Sentimental
Sprague  (Teutonic)
Sprague  (German)
Alert, Lively
Talia  (Greek)
Blooming (Taler, Talora, Talya, Tahlia)
Valera  (Latin)
Valeraine  (French)
Valere  (French)
Valeria  (Italian)
'strong; Valiant
Valeria  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Friend to Virgilia
Valeria  (Italian)
Strength, Valor
Valeria  (Latin)
Valerian  (Latin)
Valerian  (Latin)
Valerie  (Spanish)
Love, Beautiful, Smile, Light, Happiness
Valerie  (English)
Strong; Valiant. Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Valerius
Valerie  (Latin)
Strong; Healthy
Valerie  (French)
Fierce One
Valerie  (French)
Fierce (Val, Valaree, Valaria, Valerye, Valli, Vallie)
117 names found for "Aler"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Kimble | Darielle | Rakshak | Shikha | Giza | Abdal Majid | Mortimer | Wendall | Ceria | Feng | Hushai | Branson | Anghrist | Karl | Jimbo |