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Meaning of the Name Alfreda

The first name Alfreda is of Hispanic, Spanish, German, Teutonic, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hispanic: Counsel from the Elves (Alfi, Alfie, Alfita, Freda, Frida)
Spanish: Feminine Form of Alfredo: Counsels the Elves
German: Feminine of Alfred
Teutonic: Oracle
English: Variant of Elfreda: Elf Strength, Good Counselor. from the Old English Name Aelfthryth. Also a Feminine Form of Alfred, Meaning Sage, or Wise, from the Old English Aelfraed, Meaning Elf Counsel. Also

Similar Names

Aelfraed | Ailfrid | Aleferede | Alford | Alfred | Alfredo | Alfrid | Albreda | Alfrida | Alfrieda |

Additional Names

Lela | Cavana | Loretta | Darron | Lesharo | Brittain | Bast | Henriette | Sal | Brantley | Adaih | Hurlee | Farnly | Hildreth | Ceri |