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Meaning of the Name Algar

The first name Algar is of English, Anglo Saxon origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Old English Name Aelfgar, Meaning Elf Spear. Algar Was Common in the Middle Ages, and Developed into the Surname Elgar
Anglo Saxon: Noble Spearman

Similar Names

Alger |

Related Names

Adalgar  (German)
Noble Spearman
Alger  (English)
Variant of Algar: from the Old English Name Aelfgar, Meaning Elf Spear.In the S, American Government Official Alger Hiss Was Accused of Spying for the Ussr

Additional Names

Chumin | Mercer | Noma | Kirk | Egerton | Ahwanith | Idaline | Mujahida | Nebo | Colbert | Adelina | Feroz | Loghan | Hilen | Dusty |