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Names That Mean Alia

334 names found for "Alia"   (page 6 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Alia? We couldn't find the exact name Alia, but listed below are some first names meaning Alia or names similar to the word Alia.

Similar Names

Ail | Al | Ala | Alaa | Alai | Alao | Ali | All | Allie | Ally |

Related Names

Michele  (Italian)
Italian Form of Michael 'God Like'
Nadalia  (Armenian)
Born on Christmas
Natalia  (Spanish)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalia  (Latin)
Bom at Christmas
Natalia  (Russian)
Born at Christmas (Natalya,Natashenka)
Natalia  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Natalia  (Italian)
Born on Christmas
Natalie  (Slavic)
To Be Born, from Natalia
Natalie  (Latin)
Variant of Natalia: Bom at Christmas
Natasha  (Latin)
Variant of Natalia: Bom at Christmas
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Oralia  (Latin)
Paolo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Paul: Small
Patty  (German)
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Pelaliah  (Biblical)
Entreating the Lord
Peppino  (Italian)
Italian Form of Joseph 'He Adds'
Philario  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' an Italian Friend to Posthumus
Piero  (Italian)
Italian Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pietro  (Italian)
Italian Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pippino  (Italian)
Italian Form of Joseph 'He Adds'
Primalia  (Latin)
Raghallach  (Gaelic)
Raimondo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Raymond 'Mighty Protector'
Remaliah  (Biblical)
The Exaltation of the Lord
Riley  (Gaelic)
Rosalia  (Latin)
Rosalia  (Italian)
Rosalia  (Spanish)
Rose Garlands
Rosalie  (Latin)
Variant of Rosalia: Rose
Rose  (Italian)
Rose (Roe, Rosalie, Rosa, Rosalind, Rosalina, Rosella, Rosette, Rosie, Roza, Rozalie, Ruzha, Rosalia, Rosana, Rosita, Rozina, Rosetta, Rosemary, Roselani)
Rozalia  (Polish)
Rozalia  (Italian)
Rozalia  (Hungarian)
Lily or Rose
Rozalia  (Hungarian)
A Rose
Ruggero  (Italian)
Italian Form of Roger 'Famous Spear'
Rylee  (Irish)
Rylie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Sabine  (Latin)
Of Ancient Italian Culture
Sebastiano  (Italian)
Italian Form of Sebastian 'Revered'
Simona  (Italian)
Italian Form of Simone: One Who Hears
Sohalia  (Hindu)
Moon Glow
Stefano  (Italian)
Italian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Sydney  (French)
City in Australia(Sy, Syd, Sydnyl
Tahlia  (Hebrew)
Lamb; Lambkin. Also an Abbreviation of Natalia
Talia  (Hebrew)
Dew of Heaven
Talia  (Hebrew)
Morning Dew
Talia  (Greek)
Joyous Muse of Comedy
Talia  (Hebrew)
Dew of Heaven
Talia  (Greek)
Blooming (Taler, Talora, Talya, Tahlia)
334 names found for "Alia"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Ranjan | Georgiana | Odina | Peri | Sunbul | Huan | Sine | Dominique | Ganesa | Rolando | Frang | Phoenix | Nikhat | Enea | Majidah |