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Meaning of the Name Alka

The first name Alka is of Polish, Hindu, Indian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Polish: Intelligent
Hindu: Lock of Curly Hair
Hindu: Long Hair
Hindu: Young
Indian: lock of curly hair

Similar Names

Alaka'i | Alake | Alec | Alek | Aleka | Aleko | Alex | Algy | Alik | Alika |

Related Names

Alkas  (Native American)
She is Timid
Angyalka  (Hungarian)
Cedric  (Celtic)
War-chief, Versatile, Selfish, Talkative
Ethel  (Teutonic)
Noble, Sensible, Irresponsive, Talkative
Lalage  (Greek)
Malkah  (Hebrew)
Maximilian  (Latin)
Greatest Aemilianus, Vigorous, Powerful, Talkative, Kind. (Max, Maxwell)
Neal  (Celtic)
Champion, Other Forms are Niel, Nigel, Talkative, Sensitive, Rational
Pansy  ()
From the Plant, Sensitive, Dainty, Talkative, Cheerful Character and Attractive
Rusalka  (Czechoslovakian)
Wood Sprite

Additional Names

Neal | Adahy | Louie | Boy | Ah Kum | Audwin | Hedya | Ze'ev | Chamberlain | Madelina | Drusilla | Tarah | Bromius | Naresh | Maria |