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Names That Mean Alla

166 names found for "Alla"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Alla? We couldn't find the exact name Alla, but listed below are some first names meaning Alla or names similar to the word Alla.

Similar Names

Aelle | Ail | Al | Ala | Alaa | Alai | Alao | Ali | All | Allie |

Related Names

Hallam  (English)
Lives at the Hall's Slopes
Hallam  (German)
From the Hills
Hilda  (German)
Variant of Hildegarde: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hildagarde  (German)
Variant of Hildegarde: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hildegard  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hildegarde  (German)
Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hulda  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hylda  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Kallai  (Biblical)
Light, Resting by Fire, My Voice
Kallan  (Scandinavian)
Flowing Water
Kallan  (Gaelic)
Powerful in Battle
Keallach  (Irish)
Variant of Ceallach: War; Strife
Koen  (German)
Brave and Gallant
Lalla  (Spanish)
Abbreviation of Eulalie 'Well-spoken.'
Lalla  (Spanish)
Abbreviation of Eulalie: Well-spoken
Mallaidh  (Hebrew)
Mu'allam  (Muslim)
Educator. Preceptor
Mujaahid  (Muslim)
Variant of Mujahid: Crusader. Warrior. Fighter in the Way of Allah (God)
Mujahid  (Muslim)
Crusader. Warrior. Fighter in the Way of Allah (God)
Mutawakkil  (Muslim)
Having Faith in Allah (God)
Nahallal  (Biblical)
Praised, Bright
Nahallal  (Biblical)
Praised, Bright
Neballat  (Biblical)
Prophecy, Budding
Neballat  (Biblical)
Prophecy, Budding
Niallan  (Celtic)
Nuallan  (Gaelic)
Nuallan  (Gaelic)
Odele  (German)
Wealthy (Odela, Odelette, Odelll, Odealla)
Pallantia  (Latin)
Daughter of Hercules
Pallas  (Greek)
Pallas  (Latin)
Daughter of Triton
Pallas  (Greek)
Name for Athene
Pallaton  (American)
Pallaton  (Native American)
Pallaton  (Native American)
Pallav  (Hindu)
Tender Leaves
Pallav  (Indian)
young shoots and leaves
Pallavi  (Indian)
New leaves
Pallavi  (Hindu)
New Leaves
Pallavi  (Hindu)
New Leaves
Raghallach  (Gaelic)
Sajjaad  (Muslim)
Variant of Sajjad: Worshipper of Allah
Sajjad  (Muslim)
Worshipper of Allah
Sallai  (Biblical)
An Exaltation, a Basket
Sameel  (Islamic)
The Person Whose Prayers are Honored by Allah
Sanballat  (Biblical)
Bramble-bush, Enemy in Secret
Sanballat  (Biblical)
Bramble-bush, Enemy in Secret
Spark  (English)
Sparke  (English)
Thorhalla  (Norse)
Daughter of Asgrim
166 names found for "Alla"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Etlelooaat | Hadlai | Randi | Coyan | Nevyn | Ophelia | Hortensia | Clorinda | Norris | Zaila | Shitala | Coriann | Catherine | Fadl | Jannie |