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Names That Mean Alli

159 names found for "Alli"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Alli? We couldn't find the exact name Alli, but listed below are some first names meaning Alli or names similar to the word Alli.

Similar Names

Aelle | Ail | Al | Ala | Alaa | Alai | Alao | Alawi | Ali | All |

Related Names

Kallie  (Gaelic)
Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Kallie  (Irish)
Variant of Cayley Meaning from the Forest
Kallima  (American)
Kalliope  (Greek)
Beautiful Voice
Kallista  (Greek)
Goddess of Inner Beauty
Kallista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. in Mythology the Arcadian Nymph Calista Transformed into a She-bear; Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Kallita  (English)
Modern Variant of Callie
Kallita  (English)
Modern Variant of Callie Meaning: Lark
Kalliyan  (Cambodian)
Kally  (English)
Modern Variant of Callie Meaning: Lark
Kartah  (Biblical)
Calling, Meeting
Kartah  (Biblical)
Calling, Meeting
Kerioth  (Biblical)
The Cities, the Callings
Kerioth  (Biblical)
The Cities, the Callings
Khrystalline  (English)
Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Khrystalline  (Greek)
Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Kirioth  (Biblical)
The Cities, the Callings
Kirioth  (Biblical)
The Cities, the Callings
Kirjathaim  (Biblical)
The Two Cities, Callings, or Meetings
Kirjathaim  (Biblical)
The Two Cities, Callings, or Meetings
Kletos  (Greek)
Variant of Anakletos: Calling Forth; Summoned
Ma'sma  (Muslim)
Innocent. Infallible
Ma'soom  (Muslim)
Variant of Ma'sum: Infallible. Innocent
Ma'sum  (Muslim)
Infallible. Innocent
Maa'sma  (Muslim)
Variant of Ma'sma: Innocent. Infallible
MacAllister  (Gaelic)
Son of Alasdair
Mallika  (Hindu)
Mallika  (Hindu)
Mallika  (Indian)
Munazza  (Muslim)
Infallible. Free
Nedaa  (Arabic)
Calling With a High Voice
Octavia  (Latin)
Born Eighth. in the Roman Empire, Octavia Was the Sister of Octavian Who Was Married to Mark Antony (As a Political Alliance). They Were Later Divorced (In Bc)
Pelonite  (Biblical)
Falling, Secret
Pelonite  (Biblical)
Falling, Secret
Polo  (African)
Sallie  (Hebrew)
Sally  (Hebrew)
Princess (Sallie)
Svaldifari  (Norse)
A Mythical Stallion
Talli  (American)
A Legendary Hero Who Led the Tribe After the Great Flood
Talli  (Native American)
Tallis  (French)
Tallis  (French)
Valerie  (French)
Fierce (Val, Valaree, Valaria, Valerye, Valli, Vallie)
Vallika  (Indian)
Vallika  (Hindu)
Vallis  (French)
A Welshman
Vega  (Latin)
Falling Star
Vega  (Arabic)
Wallace  (English)
Healthy, Powerful, Blundering, Often Impulsive. (Wallis, Walsh)
Wallis  (English)
From Wales
159 names found for "Alli"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Rance | Klaus | Kiran | Zereth | Habor | Jo | Massima | Melusina | Adhrushta | Sewell | Lena | Clara | Qaiser | Chilmad | Franchot |